Overlight Underdark
Kill You Until You Die
It took me a while to get around to liking this plastic slab o'sound. Maybe it was the unholy and often incoherent assemblage of influences like prog, psych, symphonic rock, rap, and other weirdness. Maybe it's the fact that my CD player always seems to go haywire when I put the CD in. It just seemed like too big a plate of somehow typically Houston all-over-the-map rock for its own good. But after listening to it about ten times in a row in repeat mode, I came to better appreciate its charms. The "O/U Theme" and "Arnof," for instance, have a certain early Beck feel, and "Let There Be Titans," among other tracks, reminds me of Ween circa The Pod. If you listen, bring a big appetite. (CP)
(Slapjak Enterprises -- P.O. Box 130236, Houston, TX. 77219-0236; Overlight Underdark -- http://www.overlight-underdark.com/)