Sketchy EP #2
Sketchy EP #1 and #2 are the Use Your Illusion duo of indie pop albums. Jonah Matranga (frontman of Far) painted a beautiful guitar pop masterpiece on Sketchy EP #1, with emphasis on songwriting and well-sung vocals, and bookending it nicely is the recently-released companion piece, Sketchy EP #2. EP #2 is a bit more experimental, with Jonah using his R2D2-controlled minidisk sampler to greater extent than on the first Sketchy. Also included are some interesting cover tunes: Jawbox's "Savory" gets a samba-flavored makeover, and 7 Second's "Got My List" gets remade with Allyson Seconds on backup vox. In keeping with the Use Your Illusion metaphor, Sketchy #2 is bluer both literally and figuratively, with more somber songwriting and arrangements than its predecessor -- but that's what makes it such a perfect companion piece. Get them both. (MHo)
(O.L.D. Records -- P.O. Box 170118, San Francisco, CA. 94117-0118;