FPSF 2012 Rundown, Pt. 4: Fitz and The Tantrums + Harts of Oak + Sundress + Jody Seabody + Primus + Small Sounds + More

And here we are, y’all, back yet again with the final pile of previews/whatever-you-wanna-call-’ems for the right-around-the-corner Free Press Summerfest this coming Saturday & Sunday — which, by the by, is where yours truly will be tomorrow & the next day…

WE LIKE THINGS 2011: A ridiculously-late look at what was cool last year.

I feel like Rip Van Winkle. I’m not sure how the hell it happened, but one minute I’m sitting here watching the munchkins open presents at Christmas, and I blink, and what the fuck? It’s April? Wow. It’s like the start of 2012’s just zipped past…

Gallapalooza, Tomorrow: Help Amy Marie Out

And since we’re kind of on the subject of helping out good people… Tomorrow night (Wednesday, August 24th), there’s a cool, definitely worthwhile benefit show over at Warehouse Live

Houston Web Awards, Tonight — Congrats to the Winners!

Niiiice. Y’know, what with this whole “Web” thing finally looking like it’s not going away within the next year, it’s good to see somebody like the {Houston Press} stepping up to recognize the leading lights of the H-town-based Interwebs…

A Sweet Hot Hell: Surviving Summerfest 2011, Day One

After only the first couple of hours of being at this year’s Free Press Summerfest, I was feeling really freaking old. There was a time when I could pull off an all-day festival in the blistering heat of summer…

Houston Twestival 2011, Today!

Damn, damn, damn. I just about completely dropped the ball on this one, I’m sad to say. Indefatigable SCR contributor Robin (whose own very cool blog is up over here & well worth a read, btw) pointed me to this thing last freaking week…

Local(-ish) Press Stuff to Check Out

There’s been some good, good stuff popping up in the past few days on our local H-town music-media/etc. friend sites, and I wanted to take a sec to just point a wobbly finger at it and say, “Go! Read! Now!” (assuming you haven’t already, that is)…

SCR Gets Twitter-ified

Yep, it’s true — yours truly had been reluctant for a long time now to dive into the whole Twitter thing, in part because, well, we’ve got a whole lot of other stuff to keep up with here at SCR HQ as it is…

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