Holy Hell Yes: Something Fierce Debuts New Song on Altpress (Then Plays Show, Then Goes On Tour)

Oh, man. Steven Garcia, frontman/guitarist of the always-always-awesome pop-punk throwback outfit {Something Fierce}, had leaked a snippet of this our way a short while back but had sworn me to secrecy about it ’til the full thing came out…

Tonight: Grandfather Child Hits the Road, at Warehouse Live

It may just be me, but it seems like it’s been awful quiet lately over in the {Grandfather Child} camp. For a year or two there, Lucas Gorham, Ryan Chavez, Robert Ellis, and Geoffrey Muller seemed to be freaking everywhere

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Energy + Spain Colored Orange + Day Sailor + Illustrate The End + SHFL Anniversary + More

Spent the day out & about with the fam, so I’m running late again, I’m afraid. But hey, this is Houston, where things (generally, anyway) start late and go later, so what the hell; between writing up shows & hanging with the munchkins, the kids win out…

Giveaway Time: The Tontons Head West, Tomorrow Night, and You Could Be There to See It

There’s a small, select handful of bands in this city that honestly can do no freaking wrong in my eyes; literally everything they do somehow turns out to be awesome, in spite of all of the pitfalls of making music in this town. And {The Tontons} are up close to the top of that pile…

Tomorrow: Balaclavas Prepares to Hit the Road (at Walter’s)

Okay — first off, ignore the bottom of that there flyer, mmmmkay? Since it was originally scheduled, the {Balaclavas} tour kickoff show has shifted location not once but twice. At the start, the show was supposed to be at The Mink

Tonight: The Tontons Tour Kickoff + The Dead Revolt, Interviewed

Quick, quick, quick, y’all. Tonight (Thurs., December 1st) is not only the first show in a while for cool rockers {The Dead Revolt} — whom writer/musician Jason Smith interviewed…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Titan Blood + B L A C K I E + WHAM Preview + Fat Tony + Blistering Speeds + More

Crazy, crazy weekend on the way, y’all, but I’m going to have to keep this brief for the moment, ’cause I’m feeling fried already. Tonight, obviously, is Friday, November 18th; here’s what’s going on this evening that I happen to think looks/sounds good…

Good News Time: Folk Family Revival (Maybe?) Nominated for Grammys & football, etc. Heads Overseas

Ah, how I love the good news — this year’s been weird, actually, in that for once the good news seems, at least, to outweigh the bad (although the bad, like blues legend Earl Gilliam’s recent passing…)

Late-Notice Muhammad Ali Tour Kickoff Show, Tonight

Dangit, I knew I was gonna miss one… Somehow I totally overlooked tonight’s show up at Notsuoh — badass, wide-grinning indie-punk gang {Muhammad Ali} are headlining…

The Manichean Head Out West

Damn…I am so far behind on the ever-growing pile of local music-related happenings I keep meaning to post about that it’s not even funny. sigh. I got word on this one tonight, so I figured I’d post…

Robert Ellis Aims for The Big Time (And Shares a New Song)

As reported by the {29-95.com} folks back around the start of the year, local songwriter, multi-band-playing ninja, and all-’round old-time country boy {Robert Ellis} signed a little while ago…

The Wild Moccasins Do Europe: More Details + Tour Kickoff

As previously mentioned, Houston’s own indie-pop sons & daughter {The Wild Moccasins} not only got themselves a record deal…

Tonight: Electric Attitude Hit the Road (And Yeah, Other People Do, Too)

I’m sure I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: as somebody who’s been a passionate observer of the music scene here in H-town for something like 15 years now, it does my soul good to see that these days nearly every damn band in town is attempting to hit the road and play to non-hometown crowds…

Tonight: Co-Pilot Tour Kickoff, at The Mink

Yeah, I know, I suck — I have been a complete and total slacker on the blog this weekend (and also on the shows list, it seems, since I completely neglected to put last night’s Robert Ellis show at Walter’s on there; sorry, y’all…not intentional, just lamebrained)….

Upcoming Shows

H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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