Matt Hammon Steps Out On His Own with His Silver Suitcase, Tonight at WOMH

If you’re a fan of Texas-bred indie/emo, odds are pretty good that you’ve heard Matt Hammon, even if you don’t realize it. That’s the way it was for me, at least; I thought my initial introduction to the guy’s music…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Rock Baby Rock It Day 2 + Young Girls + Hearts of Animals + Sade + Don’t Fuck With Texas + More

Saturday, now, July 23rd, and there’s so much going on I can hardly keep track of it… Tonight’s Night #2 of DJ Big E‘s 11th annual Rock Baby Rock It fest, and I have to say that this evening’s a bit more enticing, at least to me…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: the last place you look + Elaine Greer + Jon Dee Graham + Finnegan + Black Wine + Venue/Show News + More

Holy crap, y’all. Busy, busy, busy weekend coming up, seriously, starting tonight, Friday, June 24th (well, it actually started last night, really, but I’m afraid I neglected to post about those shows, sadly; the {football, etc.} show sounded pretty badass…)…

Yr. (Late) Weekend, Pt. 2: Young Girls (Revd!) + IFest + Dengue Fever + Bright Men + T.S.O.L. + More

Argh. Late, late, late, sorry — spent the day dealing with sick kids & family members, and it just plain got away from me, I’m afraid. Which sucks, because there’s a lot of very awesome stuff going on tonight, Saturday, May 7th

Tonight: We Landed On The Moon! + Tody Castillo + Bright Men + HPMA Preview + Landmine Marathon + More

It’s a busy one tonight, esp. for a Thursday (July 22nd, to be specific), so I figured I’d mention some of the shows going on that sound good to yours truly, for those who’ll be out-and-about this evening…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Omotai (CD release/kickoff) + The Manichean + Weird Party + Continental Club 10th + Colin Hay + More

Trying to get a little bit of a jump on the rest of this weekend, so here’s what looks/sounds good to me tonight, Saturday, July 10th — and yep, as you can see, there’s even more good shit going on than there was on Friday. Here goes…

Tody Castillo, Windhorse

Progression, I’m finding, is generally a good thing in the end, even if it doesn’t necessarily seem like it at first blush. Back in 2005, Tody Castillo’s self-titled solo debut appeared and promptly blew my doors off with its in-your-face hooky choruses…

Yr Weekend, Pt. 2: Tody Castillo (New CD!) + The Dodos (Reviewed!) + The Roots + Springfield Riots + More

Back again, still sleep-deprived but feeling at least a little bit healthier; thankyew, antibiotics… Which is good, because tonight, in particular, is a veritable bear of a night, show-wise. Sat., October 3: Tody Castillo (CD release)/ Springfield Riots @ The Continental Club Damn, damn, damn. I know it seems weird, given the amazing amount of […]

Live: Murry Hammond/Tody Castillo/Arthur Yoria/Krista Vossler and Luke Kalloch

It was Sunday evening and it was getting late. Another weekend was about to give way to a work week. But wasn’t giving in yet. I decided to venture out anyway, into the cool, dark night to Houston’s Washington Avenue while the rest of the city headed to bed. As I pulled up to Walter’s on Washington, I couldn’t believe how few cars were there — I almost got to park in the miniscule parking lot, only two cars on the street. I was shocked. I mean, Murry Hammond, the coolest, railroad-lovingest part of Old 97’s was playing…

Tody Castillo

Yep, another one I’ve been very, very remiss in listing. Actually, Tody was on this very page once, what seems like a really freakin’ long time ago — he fronted a band called Tody and the Royals, who put out one excellent, excellent tape…

Tody Castillo, Tody Castillo

I hate this album. Seriously. Since the first time I listened to it, anything else I attempt to listen to pales in comparison, and I have to switch back. It’s becoming annoying. I blew a $100 gift certificate on iTunes in January but have yet to even make it through two songs…

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