Sporadic Videoage: Buxton + Only Beast + The Tie That Binds

Well, wow. There’s been an honest-to-God flood of music videos coming out of our city lately, so many that I’ve barely had time to even notice ’em before they fly on by. I feel like I’m constantly playing catch-up with this stuff, seriously, and figured I’d better take a minute to point to a handful…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Second Lovers + Miears + The Tie That Binds + We Were Wolves + Warrior + More

Howdy, all — it’s Friday, January 5th, and we’re heading into a weekend with some very cool stuff happening, so I wanted to mention a bit of it before everybody makes their plans and all that. I know I haven’t done one of these in a long, long while, and I’d kinda sworn I never would again, but there’s too much going on, y’know?…

Tonight: Two From Back in the Day, with Blueprint & The Tie That Binds (Plus The Inverters & Narrow Head, Too!)

Holy shit, people. Yeah, yeah — I’m well aware that Morrissey is playing tonight, Friday, April 14th (Or is he? Who can say, really, especially after canceling Wednesday’s San Antonio gig?), this time down in Sugar Land…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Peloton + Knights of the Fire Kingdom + Chris Murray + Le Castle Vania + Will to Live + New York City Queens + More

Too much to do, too much to do, and time tick-tick-ticking away, but dangit, there’s a lot of stuff going on this evening (er, right now, as a matter of fact), Friday, April 19th. Without further ado, let’s go…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Stars + California Wives (MP3s!) + Holder + B L A C K I E + Wheel Workers + David Ramirez + More

Dang, y’all — late as usual, I’m afraid, but there’s still lots going on tonight, Friday, October 12th. I’ll forego the chitchat, given the untimeliness of this; here we go…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Daniel Johnston + Roky Erickson + Square and Compass + Holder + The Lotus Effect + The Dead Revolt + More

Now on to Saturday, July 14th, and while it’s not the busiest Saturday we’ve had lately, no, there’s still some very, very cool stuff going on, even though I’m getting this up a little bit late… First, though, some notes on upcoming (or not, in this case) shows & such…

Yr. (Belated) Weekend: The Suffers B-Day + Beer Fest + The Illegal Wiretaps + Mama Tried + Holder + Peloton + More

Damn. Blew it completely last night, sorry; I’m currently in the midst of handling some family-related things, and while I’d planned to post something for Friday, it sadly just didn’t work out. sigh. So here it is now Saturday, June 9th

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Animals As Leaders + O’Brother + Holder + AThousandColours + East Cameron Folkcore + More

And yes, we’re back. Okay, I am, at any rate — sorry there weren’t any of these “Yr. Weekend” things for the past couple of weeks, but I’ve been way, way out of town, hiking the Grand Canyon with my dad & little brothers…

And Out of the Ashes, Behold!: Knights of the Fire Kingdom

Okay, so I’ll admit that a little chunk of my soul crumbled and died when I heard that Roky Moon & BOLT! were soon to be no more, splintered off to different cities and future projects and whatnot; I really, truly love/loved that damn band…

Holy Freaking Awesome: Blueprint Reunites (Temporarily), Plays this Weekend

Wow. There aren’t all that many shows that honestly make my jaw drop (old and jaded; what can I say?), especially reunion shows, but this one hit me like a brick to the face. Er, assuming that brick were actually made of chocolate and I was then allowed to eat it and scream and run around like a crazy person…

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