Big, Sparkly, & Loud: Birthday Club Makes Everything Alright in the End

Once, there was a band called Featherface. They were awesome, an intense, thoughtful blast of fuzzy psych-pop goodness. They toured, played SXSW, moved up to Austin, made some trippy, strange videos, got some cool press, and then…poof, they were gone. Before what turned out to be their last-ever show…

Tonight: Dollie Barnes, The Lories & Lomelda @ Ladybirds

Okay, I know it’s short notice, but I didn’t want to let this one slip past… There’s a cool little show happening tonight, Thursday, August 27th, up at a place I’ve only recently started seeing in the show listings called Ladybirds. No idea what it’s like, but I do know who’s playing, and that’s the important part…

Tonight: Waxahatchee + The Lories + The Goodbye Party + Danneurysm + B L A C K I E + Talk Sick Brats + Curren$y + More

Yeah, I know it’s only a Monday (April 20th, for you non-stoners out there), but there’s a fair pile of stuff happening already, even this early in the week, and I didn’t want to let it slip past. Here goes…

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