Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Riot Grrrl Dance Party + The Wrong Ones + Allen Stone + Indie! Or Die! + Roxy Roca + Grady Gaines + More

Hey, all — I know it’s been somewhat quiet over here in recent days; sorry about that, but yours truly’s been pretty well snowed-under by multiple things, and blog postings tend to fall by the wayside. sigh

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: !Yes Indeed! Fest + American Sharks + Illegal Wiretaps + Wine Fest + Touche Amore + More

And now, on to today — Saturday, September 29th — and holy crap, there’s a lot going on. Seriously, there’s so much happening this afternoon/evening that I’m pretty sure I’m actually missing a bunch of it. Damn…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Iron Maiden + The Small Sounds + Coheed and Cambria + The 71’s + Black Coffee + Illegal Wiretaps + More

phew. So far, this weekend’s not turning out quite like I’d thought it would — spent a stressful morning making an offer on a new place to live, for one thing, which I hadn’t figured we’d be doing just yet…

2012 HPMAs Ballot, Now Online (UPDATED x2!)

UPDATE: Okay, so apparently I misunderstood the rules for the voting. You can vote not just once, but once per day on the ballot for whoever you want to win, from now until August 5th

Yr. (Belated) Weekend: The Suffers B-Day + Beer Fest + The Illegal Wiretaps + Mama Tried + Holder + Peloton + More

Damn. Blew it completely last night, sorry; I’m currently in the midst of handling some family-related things, and while I’d planned to post something for Friday, it sadly just didn’t work out. sigh. So here it is now Saturday, June 9th

The Illegal Wiretaps, Jesus, What You Have Done?

My first and only question for this album is whether or not the title is said in an offhand manner to someone at random or if it’s a direct question to the son of God. In either case, The Illegal Wiretaps are back with a vengeance. Of these ten songs, the band explores through three different styles…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Joe & Alicia Get Married + Haven Benefit + Honky Tonk Blood Brothers + The Illegal Wiretaps + More

Wow. Gonna be a busy weekend, y’all, although tonight (Fri., December 16th) isn’t quite as insane as tomorrow night. Before I go into the big-ass list, just a couple of things I wanted to note…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Octopus Project + Benefit for Tim Young + Co-Pilot + Clory Martin + The Suffers + More

It’s gonna be a crazy one, y’all; this weekend is insanely busy, with tons of stuff going on each & every night, starting with tonight, 11/11/11. I swear, it’s just been like that lately — the weekends when not much good is happening have been few & far between…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Lords of the Universe + Illegal Wiretaps + Bang Bangz + Featherface + Chimaira + More

Coming into Saturday, October 29th, and it’s even more packed-tightly than Friday evening was. Plenty, plenty, plenty going on, not even counting all the haunted houses & parties & whatever…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: When We Ruled H-Town + OFF! + Giant Battle Monster + Alex Dezen + More

It feels a little weird, honestly, but tonight (i.e., Friday, October 14th) is a little light, shows-wise, at least relatively speaking. Fridays lately seem to’ve been overflowing…

Yr. Early Weekend: Dead Prez + Searching for Signal + Illegal Wiretaps + Ghost Storys + Witherees + More

Trying to get a little bit of a jump on things this week, especially since there’s some very, very cool stuff going on tonight (Thurs., August 18th, that is)… Foremost on my list, at least, is the Dead Prez show…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Iceage + Balaclavas + The Energy + Invincible Czars + Illegal Wiretaps + More

Damn, there’s a lot going on this weekend, and yep, a lot of that pile’s tonight, Friday, July 15th. Houstonians, you’ve got some hard choices ahead of you for the evening (and the weekend as a whole), no lie…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Something Fierce + Young Girls + Gold Sounds + Illegal Wiretaps + French Horn Rebellion (MP3!) + More

Dammit, dammit, dammit. I’d thought I was going to get the drop on Saturday, April 23rd, and get this thing posted last night, but then the Gods of the Internet intervened and took me completely offline for the rest of the evening. Argh…

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