Madness on Main 2016 Rundown, Pt. 2: Color Gravity + The Houston Craze + Keeton Coffman + The Broken Spokes + Daed + The Skatastrophics

And here we are, back again with the second pile of talky-writy things about the various bands and musicians who’ll be playing at this year’s Madness on Main Street. And oh, what a pile it is, my friends… But before we get to that, there’s a cool thing going on tonight, Thurs., May 5th, up at 8th Wonder Brewery in Downtown…

Bowie Elvis Fest: Celebrate The King & The Thin White Duke, Tonight at The Continental & Big Top

Yeah, yeah — technically speaking, Elvis Presley and David Bowie were born on January 8th, not January 9th, but what the hell, right? I seriously doubt either man would disapprove of all the good people who’ll be celebrating their joint birthday tonight, the 9th, up at The Continental Club and The Big Top

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