Vinal Edge Grand Opening Event: Hamamatsu Tom In-Store Performance

Just to follow up on the other week’s blog post about Vinal Edge Records moving from the Far North into the Heights

WE LIKE THINGS 2011: A ridiculously-late look at what was cool last year.

I feel like Rip Van Winkle. I’m not sure how the hell it happened, but one minute I’m sitting here watching the munchkins open presents at Christmas, and I blink, and what the fuck? It’s April? Wow. It’s like the start of 2012’s just zipped past…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Energy + Spain Colored Orange + Day Sailor + Illustrate The End + SHFL Anniversary + More

Spent the day out & about with the fam, so I’m running late again, I’m afraid. But hey, this is Houston, where things (generally, anyway) start late and go later, so what the hell; between writing up shows & hanging with the munchkins, the kids win out…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Danneurysm + Shellee Coley (Rev’d!) + Drag the River + Megadeth + Mikey & The Drags + More

Crap, crap, crap. Running late, seemingly as always — been a hell of a week, y’all, and I’m still catching up, even though it’s now Friday (March 2nd, to be precise). sigh. Anyway, there’s plenty good going on tonight, so here we go…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Titan Blood + B L A C K I E + WHAM Preview + Fat Tony + Blistering Speeds + More

Crazy, crazy weekend on the way, y’all, but I’m going to have to keep this brief for the moment, ’cause I’m feeling fried already. Tonight, obviously, is Friday, November 18th; here’s what’s going on this evening that I happen to think looks/sounds good…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Dead Horse Reunion + FPH Oktoberfest + BMC Block Party + SkateStock + Featherface + More

Wow. It’s another insanely-packed Saturday (October 22nd, specifically), with so much going on there’s no way I’ll be able to talk about all of it. Man….

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: When We Ruled H-Town + OFF! + Giant Battle Monster + Alex Dezen + More

It feels a little weird, honestly, but tonight (i.e., Friday, October 14th) is a little light, shows-wise, at least relatively speaking. Fridays lately seem to’ve been overflowing…

The Mink Gets Sold, and (Probably) Won’t Ever Be the Same Again (UPDATED #2)

Damn. In case you hadn’t already heard, there’s been some news — of the bad variety, in my view, but I’m sure there’re others out there who’ll be happy — regarding Midtown indie-hipster venue The Mink

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: #HelpAmy + Active Child (Rev’d!) + The Dodos + Andre Williams + /Crustaceans\ + More

As hinted at yesterday, there’s a veritable crapload of stuff going on tonight, Saturday, September 3rd. There’s so much I’m honestly having a hard time even talking about all of it…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Venomous Maximus (Rev’d!) + Mason Lankford + The Handshake + Kashmere Stage Band + More

Diving headlong into the weekend, now, with Friday, August 19th, and there’s some great stuff going on across town. First, though, just a couple of changes and reschedulings coming… Tonight it appears that Days of the New have cancelled…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Iceage + Balaclavas + The Energy + Invincible Czars + Illegal Wiretaps + More

Damn, there’s a lot going on this weekend, and yep, a lot of that pile’s tonight, Friday, July 15th. Houstonians, you’ve got some hard choices ahead of you for the evening (and the weekend as a whole), no lie…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Paris Falls + Grand Child + Anarchitex + Prison Soup + Kris Becker (Reviewed!) + Faster Pussycat + More

As we head into the holiday madness this weekend — believe it or not, I didn’t realize ’til this AM that I actually got Monday off from the Day Job — I wanted to mention some of the cooler of the many, many cool things going on…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Haute Wheels + Smoking Popes + Art Institute + Middlefinger(!) + Crawfish Fest + Venomous Maximus + More

It’s a busy, busy Saturday (May 14th, to be exact) upon us, y’all, and there’s a ton of stuff going on… Since it’s a freaking gorgeous day outside, it’s the daytime-type things that are the most appealing to me, I’d say…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Sour Notes + The Energy + The Manichean + IFest + Holy Fiction + May Day + More

Holy freaking crap, y’all. I’d thought last night was busy, but today (Saturday, April 30th) has turned out to be downright insane. There’s so much going on today & tonight that I’m not entirely sure where to start; I definitely can’t talk about all of it, I’m afraid…

The Energy, Get Split

Right from the faux-crowd noise intro of “Live in Ruin,” The Energy seem determined to live up to their name, in a big way — they literally barely stop for a breath throughout the rest of second full-length Get Split. The band operates less like an actual band…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Omotai + Fox Derby + Meatmen + The Energy + Hope Benefit + Jessica Lea Mayfield + More

Another weekend, another big-ass pile of shows to (potentially, at least) check out… I’ll keep it short & sweet for the moment, if I can, for tonight, Friday, April 22nd. First off, The Mink‘s got the winner tonight, at least for yours truly…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Small Sounds + Grady + Record Store Day + Born Liars + Darwin’s Finches + Mix Master Mike + More

Coming up on Saturday, April 16th, and I’m attempting to get at least a little bit of a jump on things, for once. And hell, if anything, there’s more cool stuff going on tomorrow than there was today. At the top of my list is the long-awaited return of {The Small Sounds}

Tonight: Born Liars + DILLAgence + Robert Ellis

I know I’ve already talked up the show I’d most like to see tonight, were I not still broken from the past several days’ traveling…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Indian Jewelry + Roky Moon & BOLT Do-Over + Girls Rock Camp + Temporary Insanity II + Jesse Dayton + More

Day 2 of a busy-as-hell weekend… Today (Saturday, December 18th) is a pretty massive one, particularly on the local front — and believe me when I say that that’s nothing to sneeze at. Anybody who thinks nothing worth listening to…

Yr. (Late) Weekend, Pt. 1: Save KTRU/Fitz Relaunch II + Ghost Town Electric + Defending the Kingdom + More

Got the fam in town today (Friday, September 24th), so I’ve been a bit occupied, I’m afraid, and I’ve gotta keep it somewhat brief for the rundown… Been a rough week, folks, and I’m still playing catch-up….

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Screeching Weasel + 30footFALL + Kashmere Stage Band + The Watermarks + The Energy + More

A bit late for tonight, but it’s been a crazy-busy day. There’s quite a bit going on this Friday (August 20th, that is), although I’m kind of at a loss to talk about most of it, unfortunately. Here goes…

Summerfest Rundown, Pt. 2: Yokomono + Robert Ellis + Terry Slesser(?) + Growlers + Golden Cities + Grandfather Child + More

Back again with installment No. 2 of my little totally-random rundown of bands & musicians playing the Free Press Summerfest this coming Saturday & Sunday, June 5th & 6th. I’m going to miss half the damn thing, it looks like, unfortunately…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Screwtape + Common + Scott Biram + No Talk + Mic Wars + More

Back again with the hopefully-handy little weekend writeups, and just to make sure it feels like Old Times, yep, I’m late once again… There’s quite a bit going on this weekend, definitely, but I’m afraid this’ll have to be part 1 for now, with the rest to come later. First of all, though, a little bit of news… The show at Walter’s this coming Monday, May 31st, which was supposed to include Leatherface, Ninja Gun

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