Look Back Into the Sun: One Writer’s Reminiscences from Eight Years of FPSFs Past

With FPSF 2017 less than a week away, it occurred to me that over the eight years this festival’s been alive and kicking, I’ve been fortunate enough to witness some really, truly awesome bands and musicians. So I thought it might be cool to trawl back through memories…

Let The Bass Drop: Surviving FPSF 2013, Day One

If there’s anything I’ve learned in all the years I’ve spent doing critical writing, both in college and after, it’s that you can make anything have a theme. Not that everything actually has a theme, mind you, but rather that if you read…

WE LIKE THINGS 2012: Telling you all about the awesome things you (maybe) missed last year.

Yes, another year gone by, and another (ridiculously-late) set of top ten lists from us folks here at SCR of all of the good/amazing/awesome things we ran across in 2012. Your intrepid writerly-type people have gone through literally thousands…

FPSF 2013 Lineup, Announced This AM

Boom. There it is, y’all — those crafty people over at {Free Press Houston} just released the lineup (so far, anyway) for this year’s Free Press Summer Fest. Take a look at the poster over there on the right…

The Eastern Sea Gets All Christmas-y, Tonight at Fitz

Yeah, I know I just posted a review of Austin band The Eastern Sea‘s First Christmas, their brand-new album of Christmas tunes — two new ones, “This Is Christmas” and “First Christmas,” both of which…

The Eastern Sea, First Christmas

Some things just can’t be resisted: koalas, M&Ms, re-runs of Doctor Who, and yes, one of my favorite bands in The Whole Freaking Universe doing an album of Christmas songs. Admittedly, if done badly, this kind of thing generally…

Lost in the Sun: Surviving Summerfest 2012, Day One (At Long Last…)

I went in without a plan. It was stupid, in retrospect, but that’s how it happened. After meticulously plotting out who I was going to see and when for the past three installments of Free Press Summerfest, this year…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Eastern Sea (Rev’d!) + Young Mammals + Belle Manoir + Fat Tony + Close Your Eyes + More

Holy wow, y’all. It’s Friday, July 6th, which means the weekend’s started, and damn, it’s a busy, busy, busy one, in the best possible way. Before we dive into it, though, I just want to give a heartfelt thumbs-up to {The Tontons}

The Eastern Sea, Plague

Grace — that’s what it is, I think. There’s this weird, serene feeling I get whenever I listen to The Eastern Sea, this strange calmness that rolls over me like a wave (appropriately enough), leaving me drifting along, pulled by the music…

FPSF 2012 Rundown, Pt. 1: Caddywhompus + Girl In A Coma + Quiet Company + Diplo + Young the Giant + Morris Day + More

I’ve been very, very remiss when it comes to posting about the impending Free Press Summerfest, I’m afraid, and now here we are, and it’s just over a week from today…

Good News on The Eastern Sea Front: Show Back On

Okay, so it wasn’t ever truly “off,” but yeah, I was a little worried when the previously-scheduled show with The Eastern Sea, Quiet Company, & {The Literary Greats} was in limbo…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Cursive + Cymbals Eat Guitars + Dick Dale + John Lefler + Balance and Composure + More

Got plenty going on this weekend, y’all, starting with tonight, Friday, April 13th — and holy crap, I just realized what today is — but before I get into that, there’s some show-related news to impart to those who’re into this sort of thing…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Latch Key Kids + Chris Gray Day + The Eastern Sea + The Sour Notes + Lisa’s Sons + More

Alright, folks — here we are. It’s Saturday, January 14th, and tonight is definitely the biggest night we’ve had in a while in terms of shows. Seriously; for a few days there, it seemed like I was hearing about one awesome-sounding show after another…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Dead Horse Reunion + FPH Oktoberfest + BMC Block Party + SkateStock + Featherface + More

Wow. It’s another insanely-packed Saturday (October 22nd, specifically), with so much going on there’s no way I’ll be able to talk about all of it. Man….

Dance Down the Rain: Surviving Summerfest 2011, Day Two

Damn. First off, yes, I do realize it’s been two freaking weeks since the end of this year’s Free Press Summerfest, and a week-and-a-half since the first installment

A Sweet Hot Hell: Surviving Summerfest 2011, Day One

After only the first couple of hours of being at this year’s Free Press Summerfest, I was feeling really freaking old. There was a time when I could pull off an all-day festival in the blistering heat of summer…

The Literary Greats Finally Bring Black Blizzard to the World, Thursday

I’ve been waiting in eager anticipation for this one, folks, seriously. I mean, I’ve been lucky enough to have my hands on Black Blizzard, the latest full-length from awesomely tight, smart, tuneful indie-country-rockers {The Literary Greats}, for a little while now…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: the last place you look + Temporary Insanity + The Eastern Sea + Caddywhompus (Reviewed!/Free Download!) + Lotus Effect + More

And oh, what a weekend it is, y’all. sigh. I doubt I’m going to be able to make it out for any of this stuff — on baby/toddler duty, sadly — but seriously, there’re some amazing shows going on over the next couple of days…

The Eastern Sea Goes Viral to Announce Its New Album

It’s fairly obvious (I think, anyway) that most of our Texas-based-music love is directed right here at home in H-town, but hey, it’s the new millennium, and the whole Austin-vs.-Houston thing was pretty stupid to begin with anyway…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Ghoulsfest + Ka-Power!Ween + The Eastern Sea + Colour Revolt + The Tyburn Jig + Co-Pilot + More

Holy crap, there are a lot of things going on today (Saturday, October 30th). So many, in fact, that it almost feels like there’s no way I can even begin to write about ’em. Damn… And yet, I have to try; here goes…

Tonight, Real Quickly: Lance Higdon + Alkari + The Eastern Sea + Muhammad Ali + War Master + Weird Al + More

Argh. Been fighting account-suspension/Wordpress issues and dealing w/general family stuff the past couple of days, so I’m sad to report that I have totally dropped the ball on writing up this weekend’s shows. Crap, crap, crap…

Tonight: The Wild Moccasins Tour Kickoff (Reviewed!) + Muhammad Ali + Spain Colored Orange + The Watermarks + More

Caveat, caveat, caveat, before I mention anything else: since every freaking road in this city currently appears to be flooding, I make no guarantees that anything scheduled for this evening will be happening. Seriously, if you can get home from work right now, you’re doing pretty well..

The Eastern Sea, EP II

When I first heard The Eastern Sea, it was in a live setting, with all guns blazing, and the band turned the club into a grinning, sweaty hoedown/tent revival, ending by inviting everybody in the crowd up on the stage to dance and sing. And it was pretty amazing…

Tonight: The Gold Sounds (Reviewed!) + The Eastern Sea (Reviewed!) + Paris Falls + listenlisten + More

Holy crap, it is some weekend coming up, folks — I hardly know where to start. Okay, that’s not true, not really, because where I pretty much have to start is with my top two shows of this evening (Friday, February 12th), both of which will be utterly badass. First off, though, some sad news […]

(Long-Overdue) Update: Literary Greats (11/14!) + The Eastern Sea (11/14!) + Mute Math + Lyle Lovett + More

Been needing to do this for a looooong time; I’m way behind on my updates, sadly… The up-and-coming goes first, this time out — awesomely talented country-rockers The Literary Greats are playing the release show for their second full-length, Ocean, Meet The Valley, this coming Saturday, Nov. 14th. It’s the same night as the Block […]

Big Enough for Almost Anything: Why You Need to Hear The Eastern Sea

Every once in a long while, I run across a band — generally, it seems, by accident — that totally and completely blows me away. They come seemingly out of nowhere, play like they’ve never done anything else in their lives…

Update: Silverstein + News on the March/Eastern Sea + Lamb of God (4/24) + Fever Ray + More

I’m gonna make it quick this time, I think… Got some new stuff up on the as of this AM/evening, including a new feature on Canadian alt-/emo-rockers Silverstein by new contributor Rafael here, and a handful of reviews. There’s a review of the new split-7″ The Eastern Sea & News on the March officially released […]

The Eastern Sea/News on the March, “The Sea”/”The March (If You Had Gone Away)”

Talk about a tailor-made release… Seeing as — obviously — the world naturally spins around yours truly, I’m halfway tempted to think these two bands, The Eastern Sea and News on the March…

The Eastern Sea, The Eastern Sea

There’s a sweetly pastoral, serene feel to The Eastern Sea’s debut(?) EP that I can’t help but love. The songs all sail along like musical interludes in an intricately-plotted play, probably set in a bedroom somewhere — for some reason, these songs have a dreamlike quality to them…

Upcoming Shows

H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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