Yr. Week, Pt. 2: Bad Religion + Elvis Costello + Keeton Coffman + Shane’s BDay + Lincoln Durham + KTRU x SoS + Only Beast + Craig Kinsey + Eisley + More

This weekend, y’all — I mean, seriously. There’s so much going on that I’m having to split it up and skip a whole bunch of stuff…or else I’ll never have enough damn time to post about any of it. Not a bad problem to have, all things considered. So here’s what’s happening just tonight, Friday, October 14th

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Manchester Orchestra + Hell City Kings (Rev’d!) + Jon Langford + Empress Hotel + More

Argh. Gotta make it brief for right now, I’m afraid, which sucks because there’s a jaw-dropping pile of cool stuff going on tonight, Friday, October 21st. I’ll hit as much of it as I can, real quick…

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