Something Wicked Brings Nostalgic Chills (Oh, and EDM) to H-town

Y’know, after last year, I was afraid Something Wicked was done for; when they had to cancel due to the torrential downpour hitting the area, people were pissed

Something Wicked This Way Comes, Tomorrow

Not positive if it’s just me or what, but it sure feels like Houston’s been the recipient of a whole lot of excellent, high-flying electronic/dance/EDM/whatever the kids call it these days music lately. The now-happily-recurring Identity Festival aside, I’d guess it has a lot to do with…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Radiohead + Other Lives + Shearwater + Flogging Molly + Young Girls + Hank Schyma + More

Hey, all — on to Day 2 of your weekend (Saturday, March 3rd, specifically), and it’s another good one. Before I get into it, though, I wanted to mention something about this year’s Vans Warped Tour

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Lords of the Universe + Illegal Wiretaps + Bang Bangz + Featherface + Chimaira + More

Coming into Saturday, October 29th, and it’s even more packed-tightly than Friday evening was. Plenty, plenty, plenty going on, not even counting all the haunted houses & parties & whatever…

Live: Braving the Heat — Vans Warped Tour 2011

The H-town stop of the Vans Warped Tour was held this year at The Showgrounds at Sam Houston Race Park, and as always, Warped had something for everyone’s taste, with 66 bands on multiple stages. Houston was the second stop of the Tour…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Warped Tour (MP3!) + Pride Fest/Prideapalooza + Other Lives + Oax (MP3!) + Gritsy + More

Yeah, I’m attempting to not let the rest of the weekend get the jump on me, this time; let’s see how it goes, eh? Cross yr fingers, y’all… The big item on the list, at least in the physical sense, is this year’s edition of the Vans Warped Tour

The Showgrounds at Sam Houston Race Park

7575 N. Sam Houston Parkway West Houston, TX. 77064 (281) 807-8760 (800) 211-3381 “info” at “theshowgrounds dot com”

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Linus Pauling Quartet + Golden Cities + Side Arms + Scale The Summit + Dax Riggs + The Bangles + More

Time for the second installment of the weekend’s cool shows, and tonight’s actually more jam-packed, if anything, than last night. Let’s just cut to the chase, eh? Here’s what sounds good to yours truly: ST-37/Linus Pauling Quartet (split-7″ release)/Golden Cities @ Rudyard’s

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