Crap. Bye, John…

Well, this little piece of news has definitely brought my week down. sigh. I didn’t go for John Edwards in 2004 — I was a diehard Kucinich fan back then (Kooch!) — but this time out I liked the guy the best out of the field, having read and heard a lot about him in […]

And Now, a Word on Politics

Yep, State of the Union address is tonight, and I have to say that while I wasn’t planning on watching, I think this here little tool is darn neato. I like the thought of watching the spectacle while my phone quietly tells me how much of it is bullshit. Okay, I would like the thought, […]

James Howard Kunstler Hates Houston! Badass!

Props to Lomax over at HouStoned for this one — it turns out this year’s Peak Oil conference hit Houston last week, and author/anti-petroleum/anti-car guy James Howard Kunstler was there to finally sample all that Helltown has to offer. Now, I should state up front that I do agree with a heck of a lot […]

An Episode of Petty Politics Crumbles to a Close

And now, ladies & gents, for what’s rapidly becoming my weekly dose of political bile. My in-laws happened to have the TV on this past Sunday night when we were over there, and I walked into the living room just in time to see Katie Couric interviewing Valerie Plame, the wife of former Ambassador Joseph […]

When Nutjobs Attack…Twelve-Year-Olds?

Nice, all you right-wing whackjob guys (and gals — no, I’m not forgetting about you, Michelle Malkin), real nice. In order to combat Democratic PR about how the Prez is giving the finger to poor kids, what do you do? You smack down a twelve-year-old and his family, setting off a firestorm of hatred and […]

Hate Radio for the Troops?

Nice, Mr. Limbaugh — if somebody actually fucking serves in the military and they disagree with you, they’re “phony soldiers”? What an absolute, complete ass you are, sir. Rush, have you ever served in any branch of the military? No? I didn’t think so. So who gave you the authority, the expertise to decide who’s […]

Lying Liars Who Lie About Intelligence & Reality Piss Me Off

Okay, so maybe I don’t have my Cynic-O-Meter dialed up as high as it probably should be right now, given the current reign of shameless corruption, but didn’t we create the office of “Director of National Intelligence” specifically to coordinate all our intelligence agencies and make sure we never again put political gains over national […]

Three Words: Scary. Fucking. Shit.

I generally tend to skip the political stuff on this here blog, partly ’cause that’s what I did a heck of a lot of in a past life, but sometimes I’ve just got to mention something. Like now, for instance, when it’s coming out that back at the start of last month Our Dear Leader […]

Ah, Dammit. This Makes Me Even More Depressed Than I Already Was…

I guess it had to happen eventually, but it still breaks my heart — in the wake of the quasi-empowered Democrats’ roll-over-play-dead strategy when it comes to dealing with the White House, peace mom Cindy Sheehan’s decided to pack it in. Fuck. Granted, she wasn’t the only person out there trying to stop this stupid, […]

Crass, I Know…

…but an evil, petty little part of me desperately wants to sing “ding-dong, the Witch is dead — which old witch? The Wicked Witch!” as I dance gaily around the house. Like I said, crass, but what the hell — the man did a lot of evil, awful things in his time on the planet. […]

Your Coffee Has a Life Outside of You, You Know

While I’d really like to think I’m all deep and political from time to time (see the old blog over here), the truth is that in reality I’m generally one of those ever-annoying e-activists. Yep, if I get a bulletin from some group or another with an easy-peasy link to click & some fields to […]

A Burning Shame

Damn, this makes me mad. Got word earlier today that Sedition Books, a local co-op bookstore/meeting place/library/clothing exchange (formerly at 4420 Washington) run by a crew of hardworking local activists, burned Monday morning, between 3 and 4AM. HPD’s saying the fire was deliberately set, and since the two residents of the co-op were asleep inside […]

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H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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