Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Frog Hair + The Tontons + Young Mammals + Islander + Satin Hooks + Penny & Sparrow + My Twilight Pilot + More

So. I stopped doing these little weekend-preview things a while back, because honestly, it was eating my life and giving me a nervous breakdown; I kept running out of time to do ’em, which meant I had to scramble, and that stressed me out, and y’know, other stuff needed to get done, right? Lately, though, I’ve been missing it…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The English Beat + Satin Hooks + The Wrong Ones + Super Robot Party + More

Gotta keep this brief, but there is some cool stuff going on tonight, Friday, June 15th. Here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Cursive + Cymbals Eat Guitars + Dick Dale + John Lefler + Balance and Composure + More

Got plenty going on this weekend, y’all, starting with tonight, Friday, April 13th — and holy crap, I just realized what today is — but before I get into that, there’s some show-related news to impart to those who’re into this sort of thing…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Jealous Creatures + A Sundae Drive + Super Robot Party + Elvis Night + Babel Fishh + More

Yes, weekend time is upon us, although the first night of it’s a little on the chilled-out side compared to how things’ve been recently. A quick note to start with, though — just saw that tonight’s show up at Fitz with Crizzly

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