Hear This Now: Brand New Hearts + Hoofprints + Oceans of Slumber + Valens

I know I tend to not follow through with stuff like this, but dangit, we’re gonna do this thing, people. So here’s the second-ever installment of Hear This Now, which is where we shine a brief spotlight on a handful of new(-ish) bands…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Stars + California Wives (MP3s!) + Holder + B L A C K I E + Wheel Workers + David Ramirez + More

Dang, y’all — late as usual, I’m afraid, but there’s still lots going on tonight, Friday, October 12th. I’ll forego the chitchat, given the untimeliness of this; here we go…

Tonight: football, etc. + Reverse the Curse + Pswingset + Yes, Inferno + Square & Compass, at Vinyl Junkie

While I’ll admit that part of me is desperately wishing I could hang with Mos Def & Talib Kweli at the House of Blues tonight…


It’s nice when things make sense sometimes. I mean, how the hell can I not like Stadium, considering that these guys have a pretty distinguished pedigree — guitarist/vocalist Jeffrey Stilwell, guitarist/vocalist Ramzi Beshara, bassist Stephen Henderson, and drummer Clay Jasper have all been in badass H-town bands…

Stadium, Change of plans, we’re coming home

Ah. Thank God for that occasional compulsion I get to do at least a little bit of research, ’cause now all the pieces have fallen into place in my head. I knew the four guys in H-town’s Stadium — guitarist/vocalist Jeff Stilwell, bassist Stephen Henderson…

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