Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Brand New Waves + Rock The Shelter + AThousandColours + Life as Lions + More

Yeah, I know I’ve been slacking off on the Sunday writeups of late; I’ve just been getting overwhelmed and running out of time, and a lot of recent Sundays have been relatively light, shows-wise, so…well, I skipped ’em…

Yr. Weekend (& Beyond!), Pt. 3: Robert Ellis + Come See My Dead Person + Lance Higdon Returns + More

Crap, crap, crap. Late, late, late — sorry, y’all. Tonight (Sunday, June 12th) isn’t a super busy night, at least not compared to what we’ve seen lately, but hell, there’re a few things well, well worth talking about, at least…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Christina Carter + Lance Higdon + Unite to Destroy Fest + Houston Rocks! Showcase + More

Last day of the weekend, and yours truly is currently out on the road somewhat — down in Surfside right now, creeping myself out by standing on the sand in fog so thick you can barely see fifty feet ahead and imagining a ghostly pirate ship cruising past…

The Other Night: Lanceapalooza, All Night Long at The Exoskeleton

Editorial-ish Note: In spite of actually going to a fair number of shows this past spring & summer, I’ve been really, really bad about doing those little writeup thingies in this here blog. I’ve had grand dreams of writing up every damn show I’ve seen…

Tonight, Real Quickly: Lance Higdon + Alkari + The Eastern Sea + Muhammad Ali + War Master + Weird Al + More

Argh. Been fighting account-suspension/Wordpress issues and dealing w/general family stuff the past couple of days, so I’m sad to report that I have totally dropped the ball on writing up this weekend’s shows. Crap, crap, crap…

Lance Graduates From, Um, Houston: Lance’s Senior Recital, Tonight

Well, while it definitely makes me sad to see him go, it’s cool that he’s doing it in typically unique style… Tonight, Sat., July 17th, right before drummer/electronicist/Latin teacher/show organizer/all-round good guy Lance Higdon skips town for, um, maybe-fairer climes of Atlanta

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Pianos Become the Teeth + Resonant Interval + Boondocks Anniversary (Weird Party!) + More

Last of the pile, and yep, there’s still stuff going on tonight, Sunday, July 11th, all ’round our little city-type thing. Not as much, I’ll admit, but hey, what’s there’s good, right? Here goes…

Last-Minute Show + Some Bad News: Resonant Interval, Right Now

Argh. Spent the day mostly blissfully disconnected from all things Internet-like, so I’m only seeing this now… Turns out that there’s a surprise Resonant Interval Sound Series show tonight up at the group’s new space, which is yet another currently-unused retail area in the Mekong Center building (2808 Milam). They’re calling it “The Exoskeleton,” which […]

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