Saturday: For the Community 8 Takes Over North Downtown

As I noted earlier, there’s a ridiculously large pile of cool stuff happening this weekend, especially tomorrow, Saturday, November 8th, but the biggest by far is the latest installment of For the Community

Coming Up: Yes Indeed! 2013 Explodes Into Downtown, This Weekend

Ah, yeah. Like the title says, this coming weekend marks the return of the Yes Indeed! Music Festival, and holy crap does it look awesome. This year the venue’s shifted somewhat, from the Main Street area…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Wheel Workers + Lila Downs + New York City Queens + She Has Hope + Vestibule + More

Yeah, it’s looking like a pretty damn good weekend, folks, starting with tonight, Friday, April 5th, and rolling on from there. Here’s what I happen to think looks cool…

No Grand Plans: H-Town Supergroup Brand New Hearts Creeps Quietly Onto the Stage

Long, long ago, yours truly was in a band. We weren’t all that good, I’m saddened to admit, but we played some shows, recorded some songs, and had a blast for a while there. We found ourselves part of this amazing little scene and played, a lot of the time, only for ourselves…

Badass Weekend Is Upon Us, Friday & Saturday

Yep, it’s true; Badass Weekend is well and truly upon us, and it promises to be pretty fucking amazing. “Yeah, yeah — don’t you say that every damn weekend?” Okay, that’s a good point, but in this case I’m talking about one specific show…

Creeperfest 2012 Takes Over North Downtown, Today/Tonight

Meant to post about this last night, but sleep got the better of me… Today/tonight marks this year’s incarnation of Creeperfest, a cool, cool, fun-sounding mini-festival thrown by the gang of oddballs & scenesters who hang out/live at the Houston House of Creeps

Tomorrow: Co-Pilot Kicks Off Tour with Alaskan

Alright, so I should’ve mentioned this days & days ago, but dammit, things keep piling up, higher & higher. sigh. I didn’t want to let this slip by, though, because it’s very freaking cool…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Lords of the Universe + Illegal Wiretaps + Bang Bangz + Featherface + Chimaira + More

Coming into Saturday, October 29th, and it’s even more packed-tightly than Friday evening was. Plenty, plenty, plenty going on, not even counting all the haunted houses & parties & whatever…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: KTRU Outdoor Show! + HHOC No More + The Suspects + My Education + Glasnost + More

Saturday, April 9th, and I’m trying to get this little rundown up on the site early, because at least one of the biggest things going on today starts early, as in, um, right about now… First, though, a bit of bad news — I’d thought {Born Liars} were supposed to be headlining a show…

Tonight: Damien Jurado + Franz Nicolay + listenlisten + Square & Compass + Say Hi + More

Holy shit, y’all — what the hell happened to tonight? It’s a Wednesday (March 16th), but it sure looks like a Friday ’round town. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to point fingers at all of it; there’s just too damn much…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: South By Due East + Ryan Scroggins + Hell City Kings + The Lion of Wall Street + More

Kind of a slow-ish Friday tonight (March 11th, to be exact), which has me a little nervous that I’ve missed some big-ass show or another somewhere out there, but unfortunately, I just haven’t had time to look this week. sigh

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: By the End of Tonight Reunion/Benefit + No Pain For Zain + Mink Metal + Young The Giant Cancels + More

Doing the show rundown thing a little bit differently this weekend, I know, but it seems to be working okay, so what the hell — let’s keep it rolling, shall we? For tonight (Sat., March 5th) I’ve already talked about a couple of things that’re going on, like the awesomely heavy-sounding lineup…

Houston House of Creeps

2710 Carrollton St. Houston, TX. 77023 “scottistoobored” at “gmail dot com” Booking: Russell (979-319-1208; “houstonhouseofcreeps” at “gmail dot com”)

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