Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Wild Reeds + Dollie Barnes + Only Beast + MFAH Mixed Media + Bring Me the Horizon + Beartooth + French Cultures Festival + Alicia Keys + More

Alright, y’all. We’re at the start of what promises to be a very busy not just weekend but full week (hell, almost two weeks), and yours truly is going to do his best to keep up with it, beginning with tonight, Friday, March 10th. And away we go…

Yr. (Late) Weekend, Pt. 2: Buxton + He’s My Brother + Bebel Gilberto + Dangerous Toys + Skramansion Benefit + More

Hey, all — sorry this is so damn late, but it’s been a weirdly non-stop day for yours truly, involving a lot of driving to and from Jacinto City and down to somewhere just east of Missouri City. I’m finally back in front of the computer, and holy crap, look at the time…sigh

Yr. (Abbreviated) Weekend, Pt. 2: Red Cross Benefit + Stevie & Tara Benefit + Ruiners + DJ Sun + Indian Jewelry + Metalachi + More

Okay, so I probably should have written this up last night, rather than opting for sleep and thus being forced to do this where I am now. Which is sitting in a hotel in Galveston, trying to type quietly in the dark as Munchkin #1 tries to whisper Munchkin #2 to sleep…

This Week: Do713 Brings DJ Mo-Laudi to Town

Okay, so my face is pretty red over here… I had every intention in the universe of talking up the new-ish local entertainment/etc. clearinghouse site {Do713} back when it launched back in the late spring, and dammit, I dropped the ball…

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