Giveaway Time: PEASE OUT New Year’s Eve Party, Pt. 2

Okay, so there was a teeny-tiny little something I neglected to mention last Friday, when I posted about the pair of tickets we’ve got here at SCR to give away…

Giveaway Time: Tickets to the PEASE OUT NYE Bash, with Warpaint, UME, & More

As you can probably imagine, there’s going to be plenty going on ’round here when New Year’s Eve rolls through. There’re a few shows that jump out, though, notably the PEASE OUT 2011 NYE Party thing…

Late Notice: Atari Teenage Riot, Interviewed/Tonight(!)

Sadly, I may not make it out to the show after all — grumble-grumble day job grumble-grumble — but I didn’t want to let it slip completely by that yep, tonight’s the much-anticipated Atari Teenage Riot show up at the new Groundhall

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