Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Man Or Astro-Man?, Knights of the Fire Kingdom, Caddywhompus, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Shellee Coley, + More

Yep, it’s Sunday, April 28th, and I hope everybody out there survived yesterday’s deluge; we took in a couple whose SUV got swamped while they were headed to their engagement party, and that ended up being our primary excitement of the evening. But hey, the weather’s holding off so far…

FPSF 2012 Rundown, Pt. 4: Fitz and The Tantrums + Harts of Oak + Sundress + Jody Seabody + Primus + Small Sounds + More

And here we are, y’all, back yet again with the final pile of previews/whatever-you-wanna-call-’ems for the right-around-the-corner Free Press Summerfest this coming Saturday & Sunday — which, by the by, is where yours truly will be tomorrow & the next day…

Memo To The World At Large: Quit. Stealing. Shit. (Plus a Ray of Hope)

What the hell is it with this time of year, y’all? I mean, I know we’re headed into the hot months, and people get desperate when jobs are scarce, but damn… I’d meant to post a while back about Major Miller (of {Western Standards} getting stuff stolen) & missed it…

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