Assault the Ancient Bonglords: Talking with The Linus Pauling Quartet About D&D, Videos, & 20 Years of Unadulterated Stoner Rock

For some bands, the only real goal they have in mind, ultimately, is the music equivalent of The Big Score. They want the mythical perfect record deal, where somebody’ll just throw money at them to make music, and they never have to worry about working again…

Saturday: Linus Pauling Quartet Releases 3-CD Anthology/D&D Module(!), Plus a Badass New Video, Exclusive to SCR

These days, anybody can put out an album. All it takes is a couple of instruments, a mic, and a computer, and poof: instant bedroom-studio rock that you can dump out onto the Web for all to hear and comment on (and okay, maybe even buy). After a while, though, that whole “album” thing, it gets boring, played out. When that happens, well, what the hell do you do next?…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Alkari (Rev’d!) + Linus Pauling Quartet + Better Block + Benefit for Bill DeGidio + More

On to Saturday, May 12th, and if anything, it looks like there’s more going on today than there was yesterday. Before I get to that, though, I wanted to mention a couple of things. First, in case you didn’t see the very nice {Rocks Off} post about it

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: MonstrO + Girl In A Coma + Finnegan + Sundress + Texas Massacre + More

Argh. Sorry, y’all — dropped the ball again tonight, I’m afraid. There’s a lot going on tonight, Sat., December 10th, and some of it’s still going on, so get on out…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Something Fierce (Reviewed!) + The Hold Steady + Joe Pug + Del Tha Funky Homosapien + More

Man. It’s looking to be a crazy, crazy weekend, so I didn’t want to miss giving at least a brief rundown of what all’s going on, starting with tonight, Fri., April 1st

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Linus Pauling Quartet + Golden Cities + Side Arms + Scale The Summit + Dax Riggs + The Bangles + More

Time for the second installment of the weekend’s cool shows, and tonight’s actually more jam-packed, if anything, than last night. Let’s just cut to the chase, eh? Here’s what sounds good to yours truly: ST-37/Linus Pauling Quartet (split-7″ release)/Golden Cities @ Rudyard’s

Live: A dream Asleep and the Juggernaut

A dream Asleep was throwing their video release party Sunday night at Rocbar. I had been feening to see this thing since singer Mike Seals texted me saying that they were shooting a video for their first single…

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