Tomorrow Night: Get Yr ’90s Emo Fix On (Plus Brand New Hearts, This Year’s Tiger, & Tigerparty)

Trying to get a little bit of a jump on the weekend’s festivities, in part because yes, this one particular show seriously appeals to me… At Fitzgerald’s tomorrow evening (Friday, June 21st)…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Matt Pond + Hoofprints + Brand New Hearts + Junius + Featherface + We Were Wolves + M.O.D. + More

Brace yourselves, folks, because tonight, otherwise known as Friday, February 22nd, is promising to be one hell of a night, rain or no. There’s a metric crap-ton of good shows happening this evening, so you’ve honestly got your pick; here’s what I think looks cool…

No Grand Plans: H-Town Supergroup Brand New Hearts Creeps Quietly Onto the Stage

Long, long ago, yours truly was in a band. We weren’t all that good, I’m saddened to admit, but we played some shows, recorded some songs, and had a blast for a while there. We found ourselves part of this amazing little scene and played, a lot of the time, only for ourselves…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Project Grimm + Brand New Hearts + The Gary + Ruiners + Sarah Jaffe + More

sigh. Friday, February 1st, and I am sorely, sorely behind on the never-timely-to-begin-with weekend rundown, I’m afraid. Apologies for that, folks; been dancing with midgets all evening and am only now able to get back online. But hey, you’ve still got plenty of time to get on off the couch — here we go…

Hear This Now: Brand New Hearts + Hoofprints + Oceans of Slumber + Valens

I know I tend to not follow through with stuff like this, but dangit, we’re gonna do this thing, people. So here’s the second-ever installment of Hear This Now, which is where we shine a brief spotlight on a handful of new(-ish) bands…

Bluefinger: Starting Tonight!

Ah, crap — I knew I was forgetting something in my intro to the weekend rundown… In case you haven’t been paying attention, writer Creg Lovett has been working his ass off to cover this weekend’s debut…

Bring Back The Guns Blow Things Up Tonight + More Reviews

Okay, first things first — tonight local indie-oddballs Bring Back The Guns are playing up at The Proletariat with an extremely weird/freaky/etc. band called The Show Is The Rainbow, and going solely by my repeated listenings to the not-yet-officially-released (October’s when it drops, I believe) BBTG disc, Dry Futures, it’s gonna be a badass show. […]

Bring Back The Guns, Dry Futures

It only takes about the first five seconds of the first track of their it’s-been-fuckin-long-enough-y’all debut CD, “No More Good Songs,” for Houston indie-rockers Bring Back The Guns to demonstrate why they regularly top local critics’ lists…

Bring Back The Guns

Y’know, I like a fair number of bands in this town (as evidenced by how freakin’ long this page has gotten), but it’s still pretty rare that anybody just blows me away. Occasionally, though, it happens…

Upcoming Shows

H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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