“spacedcityblog” at “gmail dot com”

Mystic Thoughts Music

Corey Deiterman

Post Punk’d

“postpunkedhouston” at “gmail dot com”


Blake Butler “blake” at “htmlgiant dot com” Submissions: “submissions” at “htmlgiant dot com”

No Funeral

Huntsville, TX. “no-funeral” at “hotmail dot com”

when the sun hits.

“whenthesunhitsblog” at “gmail dot com”

Pretty Riot

Jessica “Jessica” at “PrettyRiot dot com”

Day & A Dream

“brandojcaldwell06” at “yahoo dot com” Music Submissions: “dayandadreammusic” at “gmail dot com”

Swamp Bats

Trackstar Laxative

“trackstarlaxative” at “gmail dot com”


“thehiphopeffect” at “gmail dot com”

Yay, Us!: SCR Wins “Best Local Music Blog”

Uh. Wow. It’s been a rough week at the Day Job, so I’ve been mostly just keeping my head down, trying to get deadlines met & whatnot; the site’s been the furthest thing from my mind most of this week. Which explains the look of stunned surprise that’s currently working its way off my face…

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