Looking Backwards into Bright Lights: Photos from Day for Night 2016, One Year On

Editor’s Note: Here at SCR, we’re fortunate to have worked with some truly talented photographers over the years, and at the top of that list are Jason Smith and Marshall Forse Walker, both of whom are wonderful guys and both of whom have shot a whole lot of pictures for us.

Unfortunately, due to my own screwups and delays — absolutely not theirs — we ended up never actually publishing (except on Facebook, anyway) their shots from last year’s Day for Night 2016 like we’d planned to, and that’s something that’s been hanging over me ever since like a big, sharp knife on a string.

Profuse apologies for the ridiculous, inexcusable delay, but given that DFN 2017 is about to hit, I thought it’d be a good thing to point backwards at what went on last time around. If you don’t have any clue what you’re in for or what Day for Night’s about, here’s a glimpse.

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(All photos by Jason Smith and Marshall Forse Walker.)

Live review by . Live review posted Friday, December 15th, 2017. Filed under Features, Live Reviews.

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