Steamboat Amps (and Now, Guitars) Throws Open Its Doors, This Saturday

14433109_10154410186756142_5951715372458134903_nThere’s a hell of a lot of good stuff going on this weekend — and yeah, we’ll hopefully get to that soon — but this one stands out for me. It’s partly because the Steamboat Ampworks guys are good people and partly because, well, if money was no object, I’d already freaking own one of their Tugboat Classics.

So I think it’s pretty neat that they’re throwing an open house this coming Saturday, September 24th. They’re showing off not just their amps this time around, but also the other stuff they now sell; namely, guitars, pedals, accessories, and whatnot.

And they’ve got a lot going on to celebrate, including a meeting of the Houston Guitar Building Club, a jam session with a bunch of talented musicians, burgers from Jimmy Burgers, free beer, free Topo Chico, and — best of all — live music from some excellent H-town bands.

Starting at 5PM, the outdoor stage plays home to Chase Hamblin, Trippy Cholo, Whit, Sam Turner and the Cactus Cats, Pitter Patter, and A Tribute to the Sun (not sure about the playing order). Good, good folks, especially Chase, whose quirky, Beatles-meet-Joplin (Scott, not Janis) pop tunes; if you haven’t heard him yet, rectify that soon (like, say, Saturday afternoon/evening).

The address is 1505 Gano, and the open house starts at noon and runs through 9PM. Oh, and it’s free (as you can probably guess); check the FB event invite for the detailed schedule. Off you go…

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, September 22nd, 2016. Filed under Posts.

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