Two More Gone: L.A. Potts & Alan Huynh; Help Out Their Families However You Can, Alright?

12508728_10156425489785702_1912245341028549002_nDamn. In case you hadn’t already heard, this past month has been rough for the Houston music scene.

Most recently, longtime Warehouse Live staffer and all-round awesome booster of H-town music Morrow “L.A.” Potts passed away last week at the way, way too young age of 38, apparently due to a heart attack.

I never met the guy — or never knew it, if I did, in those many, many trips to the Warehouse — but he sounds like a cool guy and will be very missed. You can donate to the GoFundMe campaign to help defray his funeral expenses over here, and yes, you really, really should.

Stepping a little further back, January saw another bright light pop and then go out forever, when {King Finn} guitarist Alan Huynh was tragically killed in a car accident on his way home from a showcase up at Walter’s.

I missed his GoFundMe campaign, it seems, but never fear, because tonight, Friday, February 12th, there’s an amazing-sounding benefit show happening tonight up at The Raven Tower, the proceeds of which will go to Alan’s family to help cover the funeral costs.

A modified version of Alan’s own band, entitled King Huynh, will be the headliners, playing songs from the entire course of Huynh’s musical career (which includes a whole pile of bands I’d never heard of before now; “Ada Lissy”). It’s a neat thing; I can’t help but think the guy would be smiling at the idea, y’know?

On top of that, several other friends of Alan’s will be playing, namely alt-rock dudes {Another Run}, sharp-shiny pop-rock band {Catch Fever}, {Some Nerve}, {Agamemnon}, and throwback songster {Chase Hamblin}. Not sure what all those bands will be playing, but the three of ’em that I’m familiar with are all excellent, so it’s bound to be good.

There you go. Help out those in need, folks; this city really is one gigantic family, after all. Thanks for listening/reading.

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, February 12th, 2016. Filed under Posts.

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