Tonight: Waxahatchee + The Lories + The Goodbye Party + Danneurysm + B L A C K I E + Talk Sick Brats + Curren$y + More

11015102_10206181026433463_1027187053239770729_nYeah, I know it’s only a Monday (April 20th, for you non-stoners out there), but there’s a fair pile of stuff happening already, even this early in the week, and I didn’t want to let it slip past. Here goes:

Waxahatchee/The Goodbye Party/The Lories @ Walter’s ($10/$12)
The clear winner of the evening for yours truly, at least, and primarily because hot damn, Waxahatchee is awesome. Frontwoman Katie Crutchfield has this great, sweet-yet-roughened voice that’s bright and warm but doesn’t screw around, either, and the music she makes is like the best parts of (early) Weezer, Liz Phair, and Mirah all thrown into a blender and sipped through a straw on some backwoodsy porch somewhere. New album Ivy Tripp is flat-out stellar, seriously.

Plus, there’s Philadelphia’s The Goodbye Party, which does some impressive downcast/pretty pop, and — holy crap, seriously? — {The Lories}, a band that includes Kirke Campbell of Teenage Kicks fame/infamy, Mandy Clinton of {Rose Ette}, and Jessica Baldauf of {The Motion}. I’ve only heard a handful of songs from ’em so far (which you can & should listen to below), but they’re very, very promising, kinda reminiscent of Marine Research or Palomar, both bands for which I hold a candle. Get there early & check ’em out.

Danneurysm (Nirvana tribute)/B L A C K I E/Talk Sick Brats @ Moon Tower Inn (3004 Canal)
Then, shifting slightly southeastward, there’s this excellent-looking show going on at the Moon Tower Inn (where you really want to try the hot dogs, if you haven’t already) in honor of, yes, all things pot-related. Kinda. I think. Or not.

Whatever the deal is, though, there’s some great music to be had, courtesy of Danneurysm, Dann Miller‘s Nirvana tribute band, streetwise, snarling punk dudes {Talk Sick Brats}, and the one and only {B L A C K I E}, who will undoubtedly be doing his best to make the speakers implode. Oh, and there’s also going to be comedy going on, with Gabe Bravo and Dale Cheesman hopping up on stage to make your stoned ass laugh.

Curren$y @ Warehouse Live
Along similar lines (and not even all that far away, really; weird…), there’s tonight’s show up at the Warehouse Live, where Nawlins native Curren$y will be dropping sharp-edged lyrics about (well, yeah) weed over laidback, alternately drifting and bouncing, rubbery beats. Can’t really go wrong there, y’know?

They, Who Sound, featuring John Wiese & Quiet Competition (Sandy Ewen/Danny Kamins/Rebecca Novak) @ Avant Garden (7-9PM)
The Flex/Red Death/Paranoid Chant/United Races @ Black Barbie (3621 Canal)

Post by . This entry was posted on Monday, April 20th, 2015. Filed under Posts.

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