Tonight: Houston Musicians Under Cover Help Out Be The Match, at Fitz

a9b7778919d9ad36c8a6ceaf3fabb1edThere’s a veritable ton of good music going on today/tonight (Saturday, April 11th, that is) — including Earth Day Houston over at Discovery Green, which I completely had no idea was happening ’til just now…argh — and while I can’t get to most of it, there’s one show in particular that I want to point everybody to…

Up at Fitzgerald’s, the good people at Pegstar will be rolling out the latest installment in their Fitz Benefit Show series, which is a very cool effort by the booking group, Fitz, and the local musicians involved to raise money and awareness for some truly great causes.

This one’s a benefit for Be The Match, a group that gets people to donate bone marrow and matches donors with people in need — mostly people with things like leukemia and lymphoma. They do a lot of amazing work, and very much deserve support from anybody and everybody.

To rally that support, a whole slew of cool bands are doing tribute sets of some of your other favorite bands. They’re calling it Houston Musicians Under Cover, and there’s something for just about everybody: the shiny-clean pop-rock dudes in {Catch Fever} will be doing their best U2 impression; gritty blues-rock/funk outfit {The Beans} will be playing as Michael Jackson (which, okay, I can see that, weirdly); another bluesy crew, {Fire Moth}, will be classic rock-ing some Creedence Clearwater Revival; emo-tinged indie-rock duo Fox & Cats will be doing a bunch of Say Anything! songs (and yes, again, I definitely get that one); and high-flying alt-rockers {Another Run} will be Radiohead for the evening.

Then there’re a few that are a bit more of a stretch, at least to my mind, like rough-edged, stoner-ish rock guys {We Were Wolves} playing as Pearl Jam(!), .Us doing his(?) finest impersonation of Drake, and — by the far the oddest of the bunch — trippy prog-metal fellows {Sunrise and Ammunition} doing some St. Vincent songs. No, I’m not kidding about that last one, I promise.

There’s also {Empty Shells} as Nirvana, {King Finn} as Queen, and Austinites Otis The Destroyer as David Bowie, but I don’t know any of those all that well, and DJ Fredster spinning tunes in-between sets. It sounds like a hell of a lot of fun, and not a bad deal for a measly $10 — which will be matched, I should note, by some generous local businesses as a donation to Be The Match. It starts at 7PM, so head over early, alright?

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, April 11th, 2015. Filed under Posts.

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  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
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