Yr. (Late) Weekend, Pt. 1: Buxton + Badass Weekend III + Sing Your Life Showcase + Days N’ Daze + More

tumblr_nke0zhxlN31qhd2cpo1_500It’s been a hell of a week, y’all, and I’m still recovering; these updates will get more timely again soon, though, I swear. Tonight’s Friday, February 27th, and there’s a crapload of excellent stuff happening — I’ve got to make it quick, but here’re the highlights:

Buxton (record release)/John Moreland/Dollie Barnes/John Egan @ The Continental Club
Absolute first on the list for me, at least, is this one; eternally great Houston roots-folk-rock stalwarts {Buxton} are back with a brand-new album, Half A Native, and while the album’s not officially released ’til March 3rd, they’re celebrating with an album release party right now over at The Continental Club.

Unfortunately, yours truly’s grand plans of having Half A Native reviewed and all that before tonight fell apart, but it’ll be up here soon, don’t worry, and trust me, it’s a gem of a record. No lie. I think I’m liking it better than 2012’s Nothing Here Seems Strange, and that’s no small thing, because I freaking love/loved that album all on its own.

Bad Ass Weekend III, featuring Government Issue, Catharsis, Die Young, Reason Of Insanity, Back to Back, Deadly Reign, Krang, Common Ignorance, Negative Degree, Gasmiasma, Stagnant Youth, & Ill Informed @ Fitzgerald’s (7-11PM)
Bad Ass Weekend III (Afterparty), featuring Who Killed Spikey Jacket?, Eel, Drug Lust, & Scum @ Mango’s (11:30PM-2:30AM)
Bad Ass Weekend III (Afterparty), featuring Pizza Hi-Five, Turbokrieg, Stress33, Satannabis, & Krusher @ Rudyard’s (10:45PM-2:25AM)

And on a totally different side of the musical tracks… This weekend marks the third-ever happening of the epic Badass Weekend monstrosity, which is notable not only for managing to be a music fest that spans multiple venues in way different parts of town and times of day, but also for bringing together a cornucopia of pretty much any kind of heavy, noisy, raw music you can imagine.

10834930_887978097879632_4882667975318553635_oTonight’s installment includes iconic Dischord Records band Government Issue(!), Texas hardcore heroes {Die Young}, relentlessly heavy grindcore band Pizza Hi-Five, Boston-bred streetpunks Who Killed Spikey Jacket? (who are so goddamn gutter they don’t have even a freaking three-year-dead Myspace page that I can find), and promising new(?) power violence rockers Stress33, among others.

Now, for the bad part? According to the BAW III site, all passes are sold out; still, it’s worth giving it a shot at the door if you ask me.

The Sing Your Life (Traveling) Acoustic Showcase: COMEBACK Edition, featuring Will Evans (EVCO), Blake Shepherd (Electric Attitude), Sarah Hirsch (Jealous Creatures), Collin Phillips, Trey Miller, Sydney Harkreader, Josh White, Kara Melton, Ross Penney, Jason Long & Kyle Garmany, & Gilbert Alfaro (Spain Colored Orange) @ Avant Garden (free!)
And shifting back to the quieter end of things, I’m psyched to see the Sing Your Life showcase Gilbert Alfaro of {Spain Colored Orange} created a few years back has lurched back to life once more. These shows are very, very neat, a great cross-section of acoustic musicians, some of whom, like Blake Shepherd of {Electric Attitude} and Sarah Hirsch of {Jealous Creatures} (both of whom are awesome, by the way), aren’t normally people who sing and play acoustic real often; you’re far more likely to have seen ’em both with big amps behind ’em.

I know this has already started, but dangit, it’s a hell of a lot of fun, and it’s free, so get on over there, alright?

11036673_10153179408234171_8418793883105300430_nDays N’ Daze (tour kickoff)/Moths/Radio Flyer/Rumbletramp/Catfish Steve @ Black Barbie (3621 Canal)
Last but not least, adorable grimy, belligerent, kinda-drunk folk-punks (or, as their Website calls ’em, “H-Town thrashgrass”) Days N’ Daze are playing a tour kickoff tonight over at new venue Black Barbie, alongside a handful of like-minded souls. I’m not real familiar with most of ’em, I’m afraid, but damn, this band’s so fucking fun and in-your-face that I can’t help but like ’em, y’know? Go catch ’em quick, because they apparently won’t be back in town ’til sometime in April…

Jon Dee Graham @ Natachee’s Supper ‘n Punch
CJ Boyd/Nobody & Himself/LIMB/Birdmagic (DJ set) @ Beta Theater (2420 Pierce)
Nathan Quick/Fear the Poet/Stevie Menjivar/Dwight Roy & The Resource @ The Alley Kat
ElectriFunk Fest, featuring Rebirth Brass Band, Marco Benevento, Flow Tribe, Mike Dillon, Naughty Professor, & Zach Deputy @ Warehouse Live
Sphynx/Say Girl Say/Hank & the Cupcakes/Camera Cult/Jeff Hull @ House of Creeps
Dustin Prinz @ The Nook Cafe
Oliver Heldens/Surain/Mateusz @ Stereo Live
Kinda Super Disco, featuring Ian Pooley, James Reed, Josh Dupont, Amanda Robinson, & Funktion-One @ Boondocks

Johnny Hootrock @ Bub’s Sports Bar (Alvin)
Hotmagandhi/Spacebear/O Conqueror/End of the West @ Notsuoh

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, February 27th, 2015. Filed under Posts.

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