Damn, Y’all: Rain and Flooding Washes Untapped Houston Away

Got some bad, bad news this afternoon from Mark C. Austin, one of the folks behind Untapped Houston, the very, very cool music-and-brews festival that we talked about just the other day, and which was scheduled to happen tomorrow, Saturday, September 20th.

Unfortunately, nature stepped in and screwed things up. Due to the rain that’s been going off-and-on for the past several days, apparently Discovery Green, where the festival was due to take place, is pretty flooded, and the festival can’t go on as planned. Instead, the Untapped organizers have had to reschedule the whole thing for October 11th. Which really sucks, especially for those who’d made plans, come in from out-of-town, etc., but y’know, these things happen.

On the good side, it looks like the musical acts, including Toadies, Robert Ellis, The Bright Light Social Hour, Owen Pallett, {The Suffers}, {BLSHS}, and {Featherface}, are all still on board for the rescheduled date. So basically, everybody but Bad Books is in. phew. Hang in ’til then, y’all…

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, September 19th, 2014. Filed under Posts.

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