Tonight: Roky Moon and BOLT! Rides Again…A Little Earlier Than Anticipated

1381927_10203561772433492_837821291_nOkay, so you remember last month, when we got all psyched about the (temporary, apparently) return of Roky Moon & BOLT!? Well, it turns out the guys & gals in the band just couldn’t wait; I got word from drummer Jeoaf Johnson while on vacation last week of a secret pre-reunion show…and within a day, that secret had been blown wide open, it seems.

So now it’s Sunday, March 23rd, and lo and behold, the much-revered, long-mourned glam-rock-boogie extravaganza that is/was Roky Moon & BOLT! — which disbanded back in 2012 when frontman Roky/Mike Hardin and keyboardist/vocalist Cassie Hargrove left H-town for Austin — will roar back to life up at Walter’s. Hot damn, y’all.

To sweeten the pot even further, they’ve recruited similarly-badass power-pop supergroup {Brand New Hearts} as an opener; I’ve loved their self-titled cassette EP for months now, but have yet to catch ’em live, so this has me pretty psyched. If you haven’t yet heard the band, you really, really should, especially if you’re a fan of The Posies or Ultimate Fakebook.

Kicking off the night, too, are Beaumont-bred, Houston-adopted rockers {We Were Wolves}, whose full-length Wolf House is also freaking awesome, albeit in a fairly different way. The band does no-frills, no-labels guitar rawk like few others I’ve heard lately, and this release has shoved ’em upwards into the realm of people like Early Man, Red Fang, and Priestess (and that’s a pretty rarefied crew, at least to me).

Anyway, that’s the deal. The madness starts at 8PM tonight up at Walter’s, and the cover’s a measly $3. Go; you won’t regret it.

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, March 23rd, 2014. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Tonight: Roky Moon and BOLT! Rides Again…A Little Earlier Than Anticipated”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Roky Moon & BOLT! + Satellite D’Homme + Muhammad Ali + Rainbow Dragon + Project Grimm + SHFL 11th Anniversary + Roy Zimmerman + More on March 29th, 2014 at 5:20 pm

    […] Giant Dog/Mikey & the Drags @ Fitzgerald’s Alright, I know I’ve talked this one up once or twice already, but I figure it most definitely merits another mention, even […]

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