Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Jealous Creatures + A Sundae Drive + 1836 Fest + Featherface + Glass the Sky + A Night with FYHA + More

1623478_626954180692322_219356260_nDangit; late again, I’m afraid… It’s now Saturday, March 8th, and despite my slowness in putting this up, there’s still plenty going on this evening. Here goes:

Blast DAD/Jealous Creatures/A Sundae Drive @ Rudyard’s
I found out about this one a bit last-minute (haven’t been able to check the email much this week), but it jumped up to the top of the list by virtue of having two of my absolute-favorite bands playing on the same dang night. Up at Rudyard’s tonight, there’s cool, quirky, fuzzy-edged shoegaze crew {A Sundae Drive}, who are truly awesome, and then there’s murky, just-distorted-enough rockers {Jealous Creatures}, both of whom are very much worth seeing.

1836 Fest: A Celebration of Texas, featuring Sons of Fathers, Band of Heathens, Shotgun Friday, J. Charles & the Trainrobbers, The Roomsounds, Sour Bridges, Free Radicals 2nd Line, & The Suffers @ Cottonwood (3422 N. Shepherd; 1-10PM)
I wish I’d posted earlier about this one, frankly, because it’s a cool idea; 1836 Fest a new must fest held in honor of Texas’ independence, and the idea is to bring together local music, local craft brewing, and local food trucks, all three of which things I am totally for supporting. Unfortunately, a lot of the bands I like the best have already played today, like excellent rocksteady outfit {The Suffers}, but I’ve heard very, very good things about headliners Sons of Fathers and Band of Heathens, so if you can get on up to Cottonwood, definitely do it…

Featherface/LYS/Growl/Glass the Sky @ Mango’s
Over at Mango’s tonight, ever-badass indie-pop heroes {Featherface} hit the stage in the headlining spot — always a good thing. They’re playing with French popsters LYS and Austin band Growl, but the openers are also pretty damn great; I haven’t seen {Glass the Sky} on the bill too often lately, and that’s a shame, because they’re a genuinely smart, subtle pop band, the kind you don’t find very frequently these days.

1977427_10153849052255008_977447979_nA Night with FYHA, featuring A Fistful of Soul @ Little Dipper (304 Main; 7PM-12AM)
And last but not least, this one’s a neat-sounding little party for the Fuck You Houston’s Awesome folks, who’ll be releasing a few new designs tonight. Which is awesome, because FYHA needs to be known far and wide, representing H-town in the best way possible. And yes, it kills me that I can’t even buy a damn FYHA shirt; I can’t wear it to work or at home around the midgets. sigh.

Deep Cuts/Marry Me/Austin Smith/Adam Bricks @ Fitzgerald’s ($5)
Iron Chic/Low Culture/Something Fierce/Muhammad Ali @ Walter’s
Wheeler Brothers/The Beans @ Fitzgerald’s
Junior Brown @ McGonigel’s Mucky Duck
Cassette Tape (CD release) @ House of Blues (Bronze Peacock Room)
DIT Fest 3, featuring The Trimms, Hereticks, Mile 26, A Giant Dog, Mother Ghost, Jeremy Carswell & The Nymphs, Framing Grey, adults, Skeptic Nation, The Doc Ellisons, Mellow Riot, & J. Gutierez @ Super Happy Fun Land (2PM-2AM)
Childish Gambino @ House of Blues
Soul Sessions, featuring DJ Tempty @ MKT Bar (1001 Austin; 8-11PM)

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, March 8th, 2014. Filed under Posts.

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