Badass-Looking Houston Rap Book Now Available for Pre-Order

SLIPCASED-EXCL-NEW-NEW-NEWHell. Yeah. The attentive among you might recall back in the spring, when expat Houstonian writer/photographer team Lance Scott Walker and Peter Beste came through town to talk about their forthcoming one-two punch of books, Houston Rap and The Houston Rap Tapes, at the Houston Museum of African American Culture.

SCR got to chat a bit with Lance about the books, and yours truly walked away feeling very freaking excited. Peter is an amazing photographer, and Lance is a damn fine writer, so the combination of the two has me psyched to see what this collaboration might eventually look like.

Well, that time has finally come, folks. Today publishers Sinecure Books announced that Houston Rap would be released in stores November 25th, with pre-orders going out November 15th. If you pre-order the book itself, you get a DJ Screw/Fat Pat 7″, and if you go all-out and get the “deluxe bundle,” you also get The Houston Rap Tapes, another DJ Screw double LP, a Fat Pat DVD, and a tote bag. Hot damn.

Granted, these books don’t run cheap, with the book pre-order at $49.99 and the deluxe bundle at $150, but still, this looks seriously incredible; I’m going to have to try to grab a copy myself. Kudos to Lance & Peter, not to mention the many, many people they interviewed & photographed to make this thing happen…

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 9th, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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