Tonight: Young Mammals & The Wheel Workers (New Video!), at Discovery Green, for Free

1375855_10151957977641660_1812820934_nHey, y’all — there’s some very, very cool stuff happening tonight (Thursday, October 3rd), and I didn’t want to let it slip through my twitchy little fingers without it getting a mention up here.

First and foremost, I would whole-heartedly, really-excitedly recommend you head Downtown to Discovery Green this evening, somewhere before or right at 6:30PM, to catch tonight’s installment of their Thursday Concerts series. It’s free, and tonight’s bands are {Young Mammals} and {The Wheel Workers}, both of which are freaking awesome. Odds are good, in fact, that they are more awesome than your favorite band.

No, really, they are; not even exaggerating, not one little bit, although the fact that there are so many damn One Direction and Nickelback fans out there skews the statistics in my favor. But seriously, the Mammals are one of the most energetic/energized bands I’ve ever seen live, like a rough-around-the-edges amalgam of The Pixies and The Figgs that then explodes into flames and keeps jumping the entire time.

Then there’s The Wheel Workers, who are also a blast live — I saw them at the recent Yes Indeed! Fest, and they were one of the absolute highlights of the night, at least for me. They’re insanely smart and surprisingly politically-minded while never getting preachy or dogmatic, and the songs are ridiculously catchy and full of harmonies and organ sounds and the fucking theremin, which never gets old (to me, anyway).

And hey, if you don’t trust me, the Workers have a brand-new video out now, for the excellently cool “Right Way To Go.” Watch and be enthralled:

So, there you go. Now you know what you should be doing this evening; go and do it.

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, October 3rd, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Tonight: Young Mammals & The Wheel Workers (New Video!), at Discovery Green, for Free”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: New York City Queens + Second Lovers + Young Girls + Blackmarket Syndicate + Le Castle Vania + Mills-McCoin + More on October 4th, 2013 at 9:11 pm

    […] doesn’t mean the other folks playing aren’t also damn good, mind you. I’ve raved recently about The Wheel Workers, so I won’t go back into that too much, except to say that […]

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