The Family
Luc Besson‘s The Family is filled with his signature visual wit, boasting occasionally sharp satire aimed equally at both sides of the Atlantic, but he lets us down in the end, through the deadly combination of broad characters…
Luc Besson‘s The Family is filled with his signature visual wit, boasting occasionally sharp satire aimed equally at both sides of the Atlantic, but he lets us down in the end, through the deadly combination of broad characters…
Damn. Sorry, y’all — family-related things had me tied up all day yesterday, and I’m afraid I blew it on the Saturday installment of this weekend’s shows-and-such rundown. sigh. Apologies to all…
I’ve been struggling over here all week, fighting a nasty flu/cold thing while trying not to fall behind at the Day Job, so I’ll unabashedly admit that I’m looking forward to nothing more tonight than sitting on the couch and playing LEGO Batman 2 on the Wii with the kids and then catching up on the first few episodes of Sons of Anarchy. It’s been that kind of week, y’all…
Coming up on Saturday now, September 21st, and there’s a ton of stuff going on; here’s where you might maybe want to be at some point…
Hey, all — yes, it’s that time again: the weekend. It’s Friday, September 20th, and yep, there’s some truly excellent stuff happening tonight. And with that, here we go…
Musically, it’d be very easy to pile The Lonely Wild in with the ever-expanding slew of low-key country-folk acts that seem to be coming out of the woodwork these days. The more I listen to The Sun As It Comes, though, the more compelled…
It’s always kind of nice when a band is exactly what they say they are; there’s no guesswork, no innuendo, no wondering if maybe the band’s trying to make some kind of statement or something. For their part, Night Drive sound just like their name…
Alright, so know I’ve been pretty damn focused on the whole Yes Indeed! Fest this week; actually, I’m sitting at the Last Concert Cafe as I hurriedly type this in. Just because I’ve blathered quite a bit about this one show/festival, though, doesn’t mean it’s the only thing happening tonight, Sat., September 14th. Far from […]
Alright, y’all — here we are, back again with the second set of previews for the Yes Indeed! 2013 Music Fest happening this coming Saturday, September 14th, over at the Last Concert Cafe, the Houston House of Creeps, & The Doctor’s Office…
Man. It’s going to be a busy, busy weekend, y’all. There’s a ton of stuff going on, and I’m not just talking about the Yes Indeed! Fest tomorrow. There’s plenty tonight, too, Friday, September 13th (yeah, I know), and a lot of it looks really damn good. Here we go…
As I mentioned a couple of days ago, see, there’s this cool-ass “mini”-music festival coming up this Saturday, September 14th. It’s called Yes Indeed! 2013, and it’ll unfurl itself up in the ungentrified pseudo-wilds of the warehouse district…
Jeoaf Johnson and I go back a few years, to his days as a sound-man at The Mink club on Main Street. As a sound-man, he was friendly and hard-working and known for getting a lot of sound out of a very cheap and temperamental sound system. As a drummer…
Ah, yeah. Like the title says, this coming weekend marks the return of the Yes Indeed! Music Festival, and holy crap does it look awesome. This year the venue’s shifted somewhat, from the Main Street area…
I’m relatively new to Tony Harnell. I’d heard of TNT back in the day, but they never made it to my listening radar for one reason or another. The first time I heard him sing was mid-2012, when I bought the self-titled Starbreaker album, a collaboration with Swedish…
Young adult-oriented urban fantasy has gotten so pervasive in the post Harry Potter world that it’s possible to create tick boxes of elements (let’s not say clichés, rather battle-tested storytelling tools) which a successful, or at least popular, series should have…
Vin Diesel and David Twohy‘s Riddick sees the filmmakers and their creation on a search to return the anti-hero to his roots after the operatic excess of his last outing and, despite a few pitfalls along the way, they largely succeed…
Getting on the ball a little bit earlier today, thankfully; we’re still in the midst of Renovation Madness (which is like the hell that is moving, except you don’t actually go anywhere new), but I’m currently waiting for things to dry, so I figured I’d take a minute and post about all the cool things happening tonight, Saturday, September 7th. Here goes…
Late, I know, especially after going MIA last Saturday & Sunday — sorry, but birthday stuff took precedence, and then we were stuck staying at somebody else’s house all this week, away from the Wifi, due to some home renovation stuff. Really couldn’t get back on the SCR horse ’til today, Friday, September 6th, I’m afraid…
High-five from over here, Brand New Hearts dudes; with your self-titled debut EP, you’ve managed to combine two things I’ve sorely been missing into one awesome-looking/-sounding package: guitar-heavy power-pop and cassette tapes…
So, have you ever wondered what the hell it’d sound like if you were to somehow crossbreed Frank Zappa, Austin instro-rock dudes Explosions in the Sky, and Menomena? Well, I make no guarantees, but it just might sound like…
I love breakup albums. It’s a voyeuristic thing on some level, I’m sure, like watching a car wreck or train wreck or whatever — although personally, I’ve never been big on rubbernecking at wrecks like that, for some reason. On another level, though, it’s because, well, I’ve been there…