Yr. (Late) Weekend, Pt. 2: Buxton + He’s My Brother + Bebel Gilberto + Dangerous Toys + Skramansion Benefit + More

0ccbdf604989ab8844ea449619e5a119Hey, all — sorry this is so damn late, but it’s been a weirdly non-stop day for yours truly, involving a lot of driving to and from Jacinto City and down to somewhere just east of Missouri City. I’m finally back in front of the computer, and holy crap, look at the time…sigh.

At any rate, I’ll keep this quick, in the interest of getting things up ASAP — if you’re not already out & about for tonight, Saturday, February 23rd, there’s still plenty of cool-sounding shows to choose from. Here we go:

Buxton/Walker Lukens/Kirk Campbell @ The Continental Club
First up, if you’re not already over at The Continental Club to see {Buxton}, you damn well should be. If you don’t even know who they are, then you need to turn off your goddamn computer and GO. NOW.

Seriously, in that kind of an emergency, I don’t even care if you read the rest of this, because this folky, rootsy, warbly-voiced, La Porte-bred outfit is one of the best things about music in this city, and some days I fear they’re about one foot out the door to someplace more friendlier to music. See them before that happens.

He’s My Brother She’s My Sister/Paper Bird/Shakey Graves @ Fitzgerald’s
This one, sadly, is a case of simply running out of time. I’ve only gotten to briefly listen to He’s My Brother She’s My Sister‘s latest album, Nobody Dances In This Town, and I fully-completely intended to review the whole damn thing this week. Except then other things intervened, and…well, you get the idea.

Which sucks, because I’ve been really enjoying the band’s oddly old-timey, jangly, crackly-radio-sounding brand of folk-country-pop, and I definitely need to hear more of it. Don’t be me and drop the ball; if I didn’t already threaten you into going to see Buxton, above, you’ve still got time to see HMBSHS tonight up at Fitz, assuming you leave now…

Bebel Gilberto/The ARE/DJ Sun @ Arena Theater
Yes, I’ll admit to having a soft spot for Bebel Gilberto; what can I say? The wife’s a fan, and she successfully converted me with 2000’s Tanto Tempo. It’s hard to beat one of her albums when you want to turn the lights down low and…um, yeah, I’m not going to even finish that thought, right there. Let’s just leave it at “she’s good,” and move on.

253068_10151266993905841_669616594_nOn, for example, to the fact that she’s got two awesome local DJ/producer dudes opening for her tonight, namely {The ARE} and {DJ Sun}. Hell, it’s worth the price of admission to see the two of them alone, much less Ms. Gilberto.

Dangerous Toys/Love N War/Wide Open Throttle/Stone Pusher @ Acadia Bar & Grill (3939 Cypress Creek Parkway)
Whoa. Are you kidding me? Dangerous Toys, one of my absolute-favorite quasi-obscure metal bands from my semi-misspent youth, is not only somehow still together, but they’re playing over at the Acadia Bar & Grill, tonight? Holy shit. Believe it or not, Dangerous Toys was one of the first albums I ever owned on CD, the band was the first band from Texas I honestly ever liked, and I still remember every damn line to “Scared,” and it still makes me want to bang my head and go crazy. Glad they’re still around…

PA Fundraiser Show, featuring Showers, Growing Pains, Valens, Neighbors (last show), & Max @ The Skramansion (11759 Creek View Ln., Conroe; 6:30PM)
Okay, so this has been going on for a little while already, but if you’re up in the Conroe-area ‘hood, you definitely need to stop by. Not only is it a benefit for DIY venue The Skramansion, who’re hoping to buy an actual PA for the shows they put on up there, but it features some awesome up-and-coming bands, particularly {Valens} (who I talked about recently over here) {Showers} (who I’ve been meaning to), and {Neighbors} (who I also talked about not long ago, and whose final show this happens to be…damn). Go rock out with the kids and make some new friends.

Hardside/Warhound/Gain/Cast Away/COMExCLEAN @ Walter’s (6PM)
Anberlin/Paper Route/All Get Out @ House of Blues
Hope Suicide Awareness Foundation Presents B O’C Show, featuring Lil Keke, Lil Flip, & more @ Warehouse Live (Studio)
Jesse Dayton @ Goode’s Armadillo Palace
Rahab The Monster/Meraki-Toska/The Measure Of/Letters to Voltron/Eulogy of a Car Crash @ Dean’s
AR*V Celebration of Sound, featuring Shotgun Funeral, Electric Attitude, Collective Dreams, Mockingbird Brother, & NO360 @ 6745 Hurst
Division Champs/Cordial/Aokigahara/Tanner Hearren/After Young/Splint @ 1819 FM 565 S (Baytown)
Junior Brown @ McGonigel’s Mucky Duck
Krullur/Legion/Peasant/Bastard Cult/Corrupt Bastard @ Walter’s
Bricktop/Johnny Rioux CowbOi/The Stand Alones/Roots of Exile @ Mango’s
The Annoysters/Laborious Mung/Bayou City Kids @ Super Happy Fun Land

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, February 23rd, 2013. Filed under Posts.

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