For Book/Comic Lovers: Hit Up Shane’s Leaving-Town Book Sale, This Week, or Rue the Day Forever

Been meaning to post about this for a while now, and we’re seriously coming down to the wire, so it’s kind of now-or-never… Shane Patrick Boyle, one of the awesome, hardworking organizers of Zine Fest Houston and a generally all-round nice guy, is leaving town. For real.

sigh. Yes, he’s fleeing our fair city, possibly never to return. And before he goes, he’s got to sell off his massive collection of comics, books, and zines, which he’s been trying to do for the past month or so. And now, like I said, we’re down to the wire — the sale ends this Friday, December 14th. So if you’d like to get a hold of some rare, signed, esoteric books, plus a whole lot of other stuff, the next four days are your last chance.

Now, there’s no actual store for “*shane’s books” — he’s got the stuff at his house, and you have to call him for an appointment if you want to go by & see what’s for sale. He’s pretty centrally-located, not far east of Downtown; call him at 281-832-4570 for directions & to schedule a time.

As for me, I’m damn sad to see Shane go — he’s been a driving force behind the resurgence of zine-making these past several years, and yours truly actually met up with him at Zine Fest Houston 2011 to tearfully hand over a bunch of zines for inclusion in the “Zine Library” he’d started putting together for ZFH. (Okay, okay: yes, I did keep the best for myself. What can I say?)

Happily, ZFH is still in good hands, with Lindsey Simard taking over the organizing this past October, but Shane, this place’ll be lessened because you’re no longer here. Take care, man, wherever you end up.

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 11th, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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