Help Make a Movie: The Hunchback of Mexico Trailer Release & Fundraising Party, Tonight

Cool, cool, cool. I hate to admit it, but I never got to see Honky Tonk Blood, the quasi-tongue-in-cheek B-grade (and intentionally so) comedy/horror flick by Hank Schyma of the {Southern Backtones} and {Johnny Falstaff} (and which featured both musicians in the movie and on the soundtrack, along with {John Evans}). It sounded neat enough, but not really up my alley, y’know?

This one, though, is more my thing. From the little bit I’ve seen of it so far, Schyma & Falstaff’s new film The Hunchback of Mexico is far, far creepier; it’s gritty and spooky, reminiscent of a less-bloody (maybe?) The Proposition, and that’s no bad thing. It’s a darkly-imagined, almost Gothic Western about a man on the run down in the brutal desert of Mexico, where he finds something terrifying.

That’s what I’m getting out of the trailer, at least; if you want to know more than that, well, you can head on up to Hughes Hangar tonight (Tuesday, December 4th) at 7PM. Schyma, Falstaff, and the rest of their crew will be on hand to drink, hang out, raise funds to finish the film, and yes, show a sneak preview of the trailer.

If that’s not cool enough, Falstaff and the Backtones will also providing musical-type entertainment, as will the ever-amazing {Two Star Symphony} (who provide some of the movie’s eerie ambiance) and {The Sideshow Tramps}‘ frontman {Craig Kinsey}. Oh, and there will also be people dressed up in 1800s period clothing and, um, spankings. (No, I’m not kidding; just look at the damn flyer, will you?)

Brave the storm brewing overhead & get on up to the Heights, tonight, to hear some excellent music and help the guys get this thing released, eh?

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 4th, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Help Make a Movie: The Hunchback of Mexico Trailer Release & Fundraising Party, Tonight”

  1. Hank on December 6th, 2012 at 4:09 am

    Thank you Space City Rock! Let me know when youre ready for your free B movie

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