H-Town Invades NTC: The Texas Takeover, Tonight at CMJ

Alright, so this is later than I’d have liked, dammit… While we do tend to focus on the H-town stuff on this here site, at least when it comes to shows, we occasionally feel compelled to show love for our hometown kin wherever they may roam, as well.

In this case, some of Houston’s best and brightest are currently up at the CMJ Music Marathon, that big-ass party in NYC that has tons and tons and tons of awesome bands playing all ’round town. And tonight, Thursday, October 18th, they’ll be banding together for The Texas Takeover Party, an official Texas showcase for the fest that’s being put on (in part, anyway) by Mark C. Austin‘s Convoy Group.

It’s a hell of a lineup, too, with awesome soon-to-be-expat country troubadour {Robert Ellis} (who I hear is moving to Nashville…sigh), rocking/sultry/jaw-dropping psych-soul band {The Tontons}, alternately wild & soulful blues-gospel rockers {Grandfather Child}, and cool, tight-wound, propulsive popsters {New York City Queens}. Hot damn. If that show were happening here, it’d be amazing, let along up in NYC.

Oh, and if you happen to be up at CMJ, the thing’s free, and so are the drinks; all you have to do is RSVP on the Website.

Sadly, I am down here in H-town, myself, but best of luck tonight to all the bands & other folks involved. I know you’ll do our city proud, dangit.

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, October 18th, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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2 Responses to “H-Town Invades NTC: The Texas Takeover, Tonight at CMJ”

  1. Mark C. Austin on October 19th, 2012 at 3:11 pm

    Thanks SCR!

  2. Jeremy Hart on October 19th, 2012 at 8:18 pm

    No prob! Wish I’d been up there to witness it…

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