Join the Pussy Riot Today, Outside the Russian Consulate on 610

Saw this a few days ago and wanted to mention it at least briefly, since it’s happening, well, today, Thursday, August 9th, literally right next door from where I work, at the Russian Consulate (1333 West Loop S., across 610 from Uptown Park)…

It seems that some goodhearted Houstonians are going to be protesting against the Russian government’s treatment of a trio of feminist punk rockers called Pussy Riot, who were jailed for playing an (extremely brief) show/demonstration in a Moscow cathedral, during which they criticized the government. In Russia, apparently, that gets you up to 7 years in fucking prison. Wow.

If that sounds as insane to you as it does me, then hey, come on up to 1333 West Loop South between 5PM and 7PM and show your solidarity with these women — apparently the recommended attire is stockings, dresses, & balaclavas. I can’t claim I’ll be dressed like that, but seeing as it’s next door, I’m going to attempt to walk over at some point…

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, August 9th, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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