Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: When We Ruled H-Town Pt. 2 + Jaill (MP3s!) + The Coathangers + White Linen Night + Houston SunBurn + More

Day Two of the weekend, Saturday, August 4th, and there’s a ton going on, naturally. I’ve gotta keep it somewhat brief tonight, so let’s just get into it, eh?:

When We Ruled H-Town DVD Release, featuring 30footFALL, Monster Soup, Spunk, Dinosaur Salad, Vice Grip, Poor Dumb Bastards, & Humungus @ Fitzgerald’s
Day Two of the weekend, and Day Two of the official release of the Houston music documentary When We Ruled H-Town up at Fitzgerald’s. And yep, tonight looks as awesome as last night, with {30footFALL} (a second time), Spunk, Dinosaur Salad (totally forgotten about those guys), Humungus, & more. Get on out and celebrate the Glory Days of H-town Music, y’all.

The Coathangers/Jaill/Lazer Cuntzz @ Rudyard’s
Nice, nice, nice. I’ve only heard bits & pieces of Atlanta all-girl punk band The Coathangers — who all go by the last name “Coathanger,” Ramones-style — but what I have heard has been extremely cool, in an over-the-top, middle-finger kind of way.

Jaill, on the other hand, I’ve heard a fair amount of, and they’re not bad. They’re very retro-rock-sounding, kind of like a warmer, cheerier The Dutchess & The Duke, mining those classic-rock sounds and making ’em into something new entirely. Check ’em out:

Plus, there’s unprintable local heroes {Lazer Cuntzz}, who I keep meaning to listen to — from what I’ve heard/read about ’em so far, it sounds like they’re pretty much a perfect complement to The Coathangers. The show should definitely be worth seeing/hearing.

White Linen Night 2012, featuring A Fistful of Soul, Electric Attitude, The Wheel Workers, Christ vs. Krisha, & Christian Staehely @ Heights Vinyl (3122 White Oak; 6-10PM)
White Linen Night 2012, featuring The Tyburn Jig, The New Movement Theater, Suchu Dance, Mildred’s Umbrella, Mercury, Kiki’s Sordid Sideshow, & DJ Jeremy Kleas @ Fresh Arts Stage (White Oak Pavilion, 2904 White Oak)
White Linen Night 2012, featuring The Tyburn Jig, Poor Pilate, Cavernous, & Runaway Sun @ Fiesta Stage (226 W. 19th St.)
White Linen Night 2012, featuring Exterminating Angels @ Vinal Edge Records (239 W. 19th St.; 8PM)

I have to admit, I don’t really know the deal with the whole White Linen Night in the Heights thing; I think it’s gone on for a while now, but I’ve never been completely clear what it was actually for, y’know? I think it’s mostly a “get-to-know-the-Heights” kind of thing, with local food, music, fashion, & everything else, and that’s why all the showcases are going on tonight. Cool people playing, too, like {The Wheel Workers}, {Cavernous}, {Poor Pilate}, & {The Tyburn Jig}, to name a few. There’s still time to check out the festivities, so head on up to the Heights…

Houston SunBurn Festival, featuring Power Trip, Venomous Maximus, B L A C K I E, Rudebwoyz, BMC, Bart Black, Jim & The Toms, Purple, Harts of Oak, The Donner Party, Bombon, Sinik, Kromly, Kruxx, Mr. Peabody, Comp 1, Feature Cuts, Peloton, excuseMesir, Bending Villa, Loz Tha Lyric3st, Down for the Cause, Midnight Carnival, P.L.X.T.X., J.Oddio, Mad Mike, Adam Banks, Rob Bass, Darth Fader, Pharmer, iLL LiaD, Frankie G Da Mex, Alibi, The Last of the Analog People, Nine Minutes, Gydoom,D, The Bad Drugs, Deja Vu, Funky Jesus, Leavion, Wonderkid, Cataclysmic Kontact, Fuzz, DONTKIDURSELF, PAPAYA, IAM Notic, Faiel, Old Yeller, Davism, DJ Wise, [Insert Credit(s)], Por Mis Pistolas, Twenty Eleven, Nathaniel Red feat. Lullaby, Josiah Gabriel & Nikkhoo, Cyclea, FLCON FCKER, Big Gerb & Hongree Records, Nick Greer & The G’s, Rebel Crew, Electric Attitude, & Metro Music @ Jet Lounge, Engine Room, & Last Concert Cafe (2PM-5AM)
Already talked about this one earlier today, but I just wanted to point to it again, since it’s still going on…

Benjamin Wesley/Arthur Yoria/Roger Sellers @ Warehouse Live
Down Home Texas Blues Harmonica Festival and Clinic 2012, featuring RJ Mischo, Sonny Boy Terry, Christian Dozzler, Paul Orta, & Mike Rubin @ Dan Electro’s Guitar Bar (2PM-1AM)
MeWithoutYou/Kevin Devine/Buried Beds @ Warehouse Live (Studio)
Team Colton Benefit, featuring The Hectic & more @ 11800 FM 1960 East (Huffman)
Super Robot Party/Silk Knives/Frants/Beaches/David Morrison @ Dean’s Credit Clothing
Night of the Sirens, featuring Holly Hicks, Yello Echo, & more @ The Continental Club
The Escatones/The Crazy Ivans/Mrs. Howl/Vanilla Sugar @ The Mink
DJ Numark/J-Live/Planet Asia @ Numbers
Jesse Dayton @ Blanco’s
The Flatlanders/Folk Family Revival @ Crighton Theatre (Conroe)
22nd Houston International Jazz Festival, featuring Roy Ayers, Texas Brass Band, & Rebirth Brass Band @ Bayou Music Center

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, August 4th, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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