Tomorrow: Readings from E. G. Bandera-Duplantier’s Bayou Flesh at Khon’s Bar

Fans of {The Manichean} — or of literary-type things in general — might want to head over to Khon’s Bar (2808 Milam) tomorrow night (Tuesday, July 24th, that is) because Cory Sinclair & Justice Tirapelli-Jamail will both be reading selections from the new book(?) from writer E. G. Bandera-Duplantier, Bayou Flesh.

There’s a little excerpt online over here, for a section called “Brutal Butcher Bayou.” Beyond that and the line from the press release “These stories take place in the terminals of fictional southern-swamps where carnal trees root on death and myth eats reality. They are adapted from Ovid.” I honestly don’t know what it’ll be like, but it promises to be interesting, at least.

Bandera-Duplantier himself will be reading some selections from the book (er, “manuscript”), as will the aforementioned Messrs. Sinclair & Tirapelli-Jamail — singer & guitarist for The Manichean, FYI — as well as Miraida Gutierrez-Colón. It’s free, and it starts at 9PM, so go and listen.

Post by . This entry was posted on Monday, July 23rd, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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2 Responses to “Tomorrow: Readings from E. G. Bandera-Duplantier’s Bayou Flesh at Khon’s Bar”

  1. Edward Bandera-Duplantier on July 26th, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    July 26, 2012

    Mr. Hart,

    Thank you for your help making this last Tuesay night quite the success. I know all four of us are deeply grateful.

    Please contact me if there’s ever something I can do for you or Space City Rocks.

    With Sincere Gratitude,
    Ned Bandera-Duplantier

  2. Jeremy Hart on July 27th, 2012 at 4:11 pm

    No problem! Hope it went great!

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