Tomorrow Night: Reptar @ Fitz (Plus Free Download!)

Those with sharp memory skills may recall that at several points this past year, yours truly has ranted & raved about Reptar, this crazy, wild, party-the-fuck-down gang that hails from Asheville, NC, and Athens, GA.

Their debut EP, Oblangle Fizz, Y’all, absolutely floored me, and it honestly hasn’t truly left my skull since; it’s one of the best things I heard all year, believe it or not. They meld indie-rock instrumentation with a who-cares? sensibility and watery, otherworldly beats and bleeps, plus an insane helping of sex-you-up confidence, and the result is jaw-droppingly great.

Happily, they hit up Houston twice this past year, and as of tomorrow night (Thurs., February 23rd), yep, they’re coming back through yet again, headlining at Fitzgerald’s with Quiet Hooves. Un-happily, however, yours truly is going to miss them, again. For the third freaking time. Seriously? It’s like I’m not destined to actually get to ever see this band. Dang.

I got a bit of a consolation prize in the email today, though, in the form of a teaser track from the band’s forthcoming full-length, Body Faucet (to which: ewww; really, guys?). “Sebastian” is promising as hell, a funky, dancey explosion of sunshiny goodness that comes off like somebody kidnapped Vampire Weekend and force-fed them Ecstasy before locking them in Prince’s mansion with The Purple One himself. Enjoy:

Reptar – “Sebastian”

Tickets are $10, and the doors open at 8PM; trust me, you need to get out of the house for this one.

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Tomorrow Night: Reptar @ Fitz (Plus Free Download!)”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend (All of It, Right Now): New York City Queens + georgia’s Horse. + Seahaven + American Sharks + Billy Milano + Requieum for Hoff + More on February 23rd, 2012 at 1:54 am

    […] Hooves @ Fitzgerald’s Talked about this one a bit already, but dangit, it’s worth mentioning again; Reptar are badass. […]

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