Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2/3: Roky Moon & BOLT! + 30footFALL + The Handsomes + More

Okay, yeah, so this is late, late, late; apologies for that, but y’know, the family thing & all that… Even worse, I flat-out skipped yesterday — what can I say? It was Christmas Eve, and as far as I was/am aware, there was only one single measly thing on the calendar, a Lil Flip concert, and eh, he’s just not my thing (that old, ill-advised “‘hood leprechaun” gimmick he did way back whenstill throws me off, sorry).

Tonight (Sunday, December 25th, aka Christmas Day) is more like it. There’re only a small, small handful of shows going on, to be sure, but holy fucking crap are they good ones. Here’s what to do after making merry with the fam; at least two are already underway, so get moving:

A Very BOLT! Christmas, featuring Roky Moon & BOLT!, The Manichean, New York City Queens, & The Mathletes @ Walter’s (1120 Naylor; 8PM)
Oh, yes. Not only is this the long-awaited grand opening of the new Walter’s, now at 1120 Naylor (literally right around the corner from DiverseWorks), but it’s also a super-special Christmas show with the utterly awesome, always-fun Roky Moon & BOLT!

The gang of drama-glam rockers will be setting the stage afire, definitely, but they’ve set themselves some hard acts to follow with the nerdy, sweet-hearted-yet-sarcastic pop of {The Mathletes} and the oblique, murky theatrics of {The Manichean}, both bands I also love dearly. Plus, there’s also the {New York City Queens}, about whom I’ve heard good things & who I need to check out, definitely. Get on up there, right now.

30footFALL 18th Annual Christmas Show, featuring 30footFALL, Ryan Scroggins & The Trenchtown Texans, Skeleton Dick, & The Sell-Outs @ Fitzgerald’s
Or, y’know, go here, instead. Yep, it’s the traditional {30footFALL} Christmas Show, which they’ve been doing for longer than I’ve lived in this dang sweatbox of a city; it’s the one day a year when the long-sleeping pop-punk icons get back together to give folks a taste of how awesome all those old punk shows around town used to be. (Okay, okay, they still are. But c’mon, nostalgia can be fun.)

I saw these guys last year(?) at the Free Press Summerfest, and it was like they’d hardly missed a step, I swear. Granted, Butch wasn’t quite as over-the-top physical as he used to be in The Good/Bad Old Days, but hell, it’s a lot harder to pull off shit like that when you’re 35 than it is when you’re 21. Trust me. Oh, and this year they’re getting help from some cool bands, including Ryan Scroggins & the Trenchtown Texans, who apparently put out two albums this year that I somehow completely missed out on. Fuck. Gonna have to rectify that soon.

The Handsomes/Thunderado @ The Continental Club
Last but not least, {The Handsomes} are back in town tonight, showing Houston some hometown love from their mostly-home of Austin; they don’t seem to come back much these days except for holidays, but hell, I’ll take it. They’re always, always, always entertaining, well worth the trek over to Midtown to catch ’em.

And hey, they’ve got a soulful, heavy-hearted new song up online, free to all for download; glad to hear they’re still recording. Here you go:

Alright, that’s it — have a happy holiday season, y’all…

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, December 25th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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