Party With the Lights Off: No Power Fest 2 at the Ponderosa

It’s crazy, but tomorrow (Sat., 9/24) is turning into Festival Day 2011, I swear… There’s the awesome-sounding Houston Press BestFest 2011, the Houston Wine Fest, Sleazefest at The Mink, the Building Temples From Death Fest at Mango’s, Radiation Fest down in Baytown, and the Wild Texas Galveston Shrimp Fest. You want a festival, of pretty much any kind (other than maybe zydeco), well, this is your weekend.

And now, on top of that, there’s No Power Fest 2 at the Ponderosa (or Pon de Rosa, depending on how you write it; it’s at 1503 Nance, either way), a full-on, day-long anarchist(?) folk-punk festival with a serious D.I.Y. slant. The organizers promise vegan chili and cornbread, awesome bands from both H-town and as far away as California and Tennessee, and workshops on topics including, um, “How to Steal Stuff.”

Obviously, me being me, the music’s what gets my attention the most about this thing. Local folk-punks Days N’ Daze are pretty damn neat, as is {Cory Derden}, and I’ve been wanting to hear Kim Champion! and Adam & The Ancient Gods for a while now, too. Plus, Indiana’s The Hunger Artists sound interesting, as does New York Taxi, and all of it’s for a measly $5. Hard to beat that…

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, September 23rd, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Party With the Lights Off: No Power Fest 2 at the Ponderosa”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: BestFest + Literary Greats + Wine Fest + Peloton + Moon Tower B-Day + Mix Master Mike + More on September 24th, 2011 at 12:03 am

    […] If you’d rather get your drink on, there’s always the Houston Wine Fest in Sam Houston Park, the lineup for which includes avant-garde chamber music group Two Star Symphony, jazz singer Kristine Mills, and current personal singer/songwriter heroine Sara Van Buskirk. Or you can go counterculture with No Power Fest 2 at the Ponderosa — more in on that over here. […]

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