Yet More Assholes Stealing Shit (Maybe)

Help the man out -- can't you see he's hurtin'?Yeah, I said “maybe.” It doesn’t sound like he’s positive it was stolen, but Lucas Gorham (of {Grandfather Child} fame/infamy) is apparently missing his bass cabinet from the backstage area of Fitzgerald’s — dunno if he was playing a show or lending it to somebody or what.

Anyway, here’s his description:

Sunn 2×15 bass cabinet, black color, has wheels, tolex coming off from the back, has a steel grill and is a newer model.

Like I said, it’s not super-clear that this was malicious-bad-evil theft or just somebody accidentally loading out the cab while putting their own gear in the van. I’m hoping it’s the latter, and that it’s all just a misunderstanding…

If you’ve seen it or know what might’ve happened to it, email him at “grandfatherchild” at “gmail dot com”, or you can email us here at “gaijin” at “spacecityrock dot com”, and we’ll get word his way.

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, August 18th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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