Bad News Time: Winter Wallace Passes Out & Gary Crawford Gets Hit by Lightning

Got word late last night from SCR contributor/man-about-town Dre Giles about a couple of tragic/scary things going on with folks in our sprawling, hard-to-pigeonhole scene here, and I wanted to pass along the word.

First off, apparently last Sunday local singer/musician {Winter Wallace} experienced some kind of episode where she started passing out while on her way home (not sure if she was driving or what), and after she realized something bad was happening, she started posting frantic pleas for help on Facebook from her phone. She made it to the ER, thankfully, and I’m told she posted a video later on explaining that she has a heart irregularity that may’ve caused her heart to pump so slowly her body couldn’t remain conscious.

Pretty terrifying, frankly, and I’m told Wallace still doesn’t know what exactly caused the whole thing. Here’s hoping nothing like that happens again; our thoughts are with you, Winter…

Along sorta-kinda similar lines, Gary Crawford, the guy who runs No Cover Magazine (which just had its Houston-area launch/re-launch back on July 16th), and who I believe also does a local radio show and started Gary’s Spot, a bar out in the Tomball area, was struck by freaking lightning recently. No, seriously.

He survived, or so we hear, which is good news, but I’m guessing the guy’s not doing real well at this point, even still. (I mean, it’s lightning, so y’know.) We’ll be wishing him a speedy recovery, too.

If anybody knows any more details about either incident, definitely post ’em in the Comments below or email us (“gaijin” at “spacecityrock dot com”); we’ll post updates if we hear of any new developments. In the meantime, SCR as a whole hopes both Winter & Gary get better soon.

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, July 28th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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