Calling All Drummers: Muhammad Ali & Giant Battle Monster Need You

Sounds like it’s been a bad week for local bands and drummer-type people… I dunno the details, but in the past few days both {Muhammad Ali} and {Giant Battle Monster} have parted ways with their respective drummers.

This is crappy, crappy, crappy news on both fronts, seeing as these two bands are two of the most entertaining I’ve seen in recent years — per the {Houston Press}, Muhammad Ali had to drop off Tuesday’s Das Racist show because of drummer Juan no longer being in the band, and they’ve reportedly got a 7″ in the works, so it’s definitely not the best timing.

As for GBM, they obliquely announced the news on the Hands Up board a couple of days ago, then hinted that they’re hoping to tour at some point soon, making it pretty imperative. Plus, they’re already booked for the Free Press Summerfest in June, so…

Anyway, if you’re a drummer and want to play some wild-yet-tuneful throwback indie-rawk or spazz out on some heavy, insanely-constructed prog-math/meth-rock/metal, get in touch with these folks.

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, March 24th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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