Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Christina Carter + Lance Higdon + Unite to Destroy Fest + Houston Rocks! Showcase + More

Last day of the weekend, and yours truly is currently out on the road somewhat — down in Surfside right now, creeping myself out by standing on the sand in fog so thick you can barely see fifty feet ahead and imagining a ghostly pirate ship cruising past — but I didn’t want to let the stuff going on slip past, unnoticed.

So here’s what’s going on tomorrow, Sunday, February 27th, that I happen to think looks/sounds pretty cool:

Binarium Sound Series, featuring Lance Higdon, Christina Carter, Damon Smith, & Sandy Ewen @ The Mekong Underground (8-10PM)
Holy freaking wow. If you know much about the history of experimental/improvisational music in Houston, you’ll at least be familiar with the names playing this show; Christina Carter was a big name when I moved here, for crying out loud, known for her work with the now-legendary Charalambides (and for DJing on KTRU, if I remember correctly), so her playing back in town is cool all on its own.

But then there’s Lance Higdon, he of the million, billion bands all at once, who moved off to Atlanta a year or so ago and is finally having a bit of a homecoming show at the Binarium deal (he ran the series’ predecessor, the Resonant Interval Sound Series, at very nearly the same location). And Austin transplant Sandy Ewen has been doing some very cool things since coming to town.

So this’ll be a good one for fans of the whole experimental scene; if you like your music strange and boundary-pushing, hey, this one’s for you…

Unite to Destroy Fest, featuring Parasytic, Dissent, The Delta Block, Vivisect, Wild Tribe, Redriver, PLF, & Ali Manas @ Super Happy Fun Land (7PM)
I’ll admit it; I dunno most of these bands except as names I’ve seen on the shows list, although I’m fairly confident the music at Super Happy Fun Land tomorrow night is going to be heavy and noisy in various amounts. I’ve heard good stuff about {Dissent} and PLF, but more than anything else, I wanted to give this show a thumbs-up because it’s a benefit for Sedition Books and the Houston ABC anarchist group, both of which are damn good causes (to me, at least).

This one starts at 7PM, the door’s $7; check the link above for the set times (although, c’mon, they’re anarchists — if anything starts on time, you can be cheerfully surprised).

Houston Rocks! Showcase, featuring The Leo Trio, The Lotus Effect, The Keypers, Espantapajaros, Big Gerb, & Tim Qualls @ House of Blues
Not sure exactly what this one’s all about — I just happened to see it on the House of Blues list and hadn’t heard a thing about it beforehand. And that’s a shame, because I’ve heard good things about both {Espantapajaros} and {Timothy Qualls}, and I like alternarock dudes {The Lotus Effect} quite a bit.

I dunno if this is meant to be a benefit or what, but either way, it promises to be a fun one.

The Texas Buzz, featuring Dine Alone, Forever Falls, & Hounds of Jezebel @ The Scout Bar (Clear Lake)
Second Annual Texas Yoga Conference, featuring DJ Sun, DJ Hyfi, Sean Johnson and The Wild Lotus Band, & MC Yogi @ Jerabeck Athletic Center (St. Thomas Univ. campus)
Music for Rothko, featuring Kim Kashkashian, Brian Del Signore, Sarah Rothenberg, & the Houston Chamber Choir @ The Rothko Chapel (7PM; sold out)

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, February 26th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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